

Amtrak Adventures: Exploring the Open Road with Your Furry Companion

Traveling with a pet on Amtrak is a breeze. Especially for this Chihuahua-mix. Amtrak is the best way for Olivia Peloquin to travel from New York City to see family in Boston. It's also the perfect mode of transportation for her dog, Betty. The 2-year-old Chihuahua-Jack Russell mix makes the round-trip journey four times a

Recognizing the Rare Signs of Life-Threatening Foodborne Botulism

Foodborne botulism is a rare, life-threatening condition. These are the signs to look for. Foodborne botulism is a potentially deadly condition that’s caused by eating food contaminated with botulinum toxin, a potent toxin that attacks the body’s nervous system. The disease is incredibly rare; in 2019, there were 21 reported cases of foodborne botulism across

Amtrak Adventures: Exploring the Open Road with Your Furry Companion

Traveling with a pet on Amtrak is a breeze. Especially for this Chihuahua-mix. Amtrak is the best way for Olivia Peloquin to travel from New York City to see family in Boston. It's also the perfect mode of transportation for her dog, Betty. The 2-year-old Chihuahua-Jack Russell mix makes the round-trip journey four times a

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Amtrak Adventures: Exploring the Open Road with Your Furry Companion

Traveling with a pet on Amtrak is a breeze. Especially for this Chihuahua-mix. Amtrak is the best way for Olivia Peloquin to travel from New York City to see family in Boston. It's also the perfect mode of transportation for her dog, Betty. The 2-year-old Chihuahua-Jack Russell mix makes the round-trip journey four times a

Navigating Social Media Bias: The Importance of Media Literacy

Bias is all over your social feed. We need media literacy to help us navigate it. | Opinion News literacy teaches you to slow down and notice when you have a strong emotional reaction to something you see online. It's vital for students like me. I am a freshman in college, and I consume media

Recognizing the Rare Signs of Life-Threatening Foodborne Botulism

Foodborne botulism is a rare, life-threatening condition. These are the signs to look for. Foodborne botulism is a potentially deadly condition that’s caused by eating food contaminated with botulinum toxin, a potent toxin that attacks the body’s nervous system. The disease is incredibly rare; in 2019, there were 21 reported cases of foodborne botulism across

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The Role of Enzymes in Digestion: Unlocking the Secrets of Our Gut

What are enzymes, and what do they have to do with digestion? A popular experiment that's recommended to demonstrate the functionality of enzymes is chewing a piece of bread for a moment, then paying attention to when it turns from a starchy flavor to begin tasting sweet. This experiment works because it shows how salivary

Finding the Perfect Healthy Coffee Creamer: A Guide to Your Morning Brew

Is there such thing as healthy coffee creamer? How to find the best option. About two-thirds of Americans drink coffee every day, according to a National Coffee Association poll. The 2022 data found consumption of the caffeinated beverage had hit a 20-year high. Though most of us are regular joe drinkers, we still can’t agree

Unlocking the Health Benefits of Oats: Elevate Your Breakfast Game!

Are oats healthy? Here's how to make them an even better breakfast. You've likely heard health and nutrition experts highlight the benefits of eating a healthy, well-balanced breakfast — it's not called the most important meal of the day for nothing. But when you're on the go, it can be difficult to find the time

Demystifying Dog Distemper: A Comprehensive Guide to the Canine Illness, Its Symptoms, and Origins

What is distemper in dogs? Understanding the canine disease, symptoms and causes Dogs can get sick just like humans. The best way to prevent the spread of illness is to vaccinate your pet. There are several "core vaccines" dogs should get to combat serious diseases, Dr. Jerry Klein, the chief veterinary officer at the American

The Transformative Decade: A Visual Journey Through the Rise of Obesity in the U.S.

How the US obesity rate has evolved over the past decade, explained in charts Obesity is an epidemic in the America. Four in 10 U.S. adults fit the medical definition of having obesity, which puts them at risk for serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. New data shows a

Redefining Style: How Embracing Body Changes Can Elevate Fashion

These women thought you had to be skinny to have style. Weight gain proved them wrong In a fashion culture where oftentimes 'skinny is the fit,' a viral TikTok trend embraces women who found their style after gaining weight. When Libby Faulkner lost about 50 pounds, she began wearing tighter and smaller clothes, but not

Homeschooling as a Sanctuary: Parents Seek Safety After Tragic Shootings

Safe from slaughter: Parents opt for homeschooling in aftermath of mass shootings. The day after a teenager opened fire at a high school in Parkland, Florida in February 2018, helicopters rushed to another high school near the campus where 17 people were killed. The nearby Atlantic Technical High School was on lockdown while authorities investigated