Companies and institutes are currently working on biotechnological processes for the production of 'dairy products' without the use of cows: In so-called precision fermentation, egg and milk proteins are produced with the help of bacteria, yeasts or other fungi. This results in foods such as milk or cheese with a familiar flavor and texture. Supporters
Highly localized TB strains are less infectious in cosmopolitan cities and more likely to infect people from the geographic area that is the strain's natural habitat. The research provides the first controlled evidence that TB strains may evolve with their human hosts, adapting to be more infectious to specific populations. The findings offer new clues
Companies and institutes are currently working on biotechnological processes for the production of 'dairy products' without the use of cows: In so-called precision fermentation, egg and milk proteins are produced with the help of bacteria, yeasts or other fungi. This results in foods such as milk or cheese with a familiar flavor and texture. Supporters
Companies and institutes are currently working on biotechnological processes for the production of 'dairy products' without the use of cows: In so-called precision fermentation, egg and milk proteins are produced with the help of bacteria, yeasts or other fungi. This results in foods such as milk or cheese with a familiar flavor and texture. Supporters
A new small study has revealed the impact of obesity on muscle structure in patients having a form of heart failure called heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). A new small study led by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers and published July 25th in the journal Nature Cardiovascular Research has revealed the impact of
Highly localized TB strains are less infectious in cosmopolitan cities and more likely to infect people from the geographic area that is the strain's natural habitat. The research provides the first controlled evidence that TB strains may evolve with their human hosts, adapting to be more infectious to specific populations. The findings offer new clues
Central and peripheral circadian clocks is essential for maintaining overall tissue health and function. This groundbreaking research sheds light on the interconnected nature of circadian rhythms in different bodily systems, with implications for understanding and treating various health conditions. The findings highlight the importance of considering both central and peripheral clocks in circadian research and offer new avenues for developing targeted therapies to optimize tissue function and overall health
That utilizes laser light and gas to detect errors in MRI scans. Unlike current electrical sensors, this new prototype has the potential to revolutionize the way MRI scans are conducted, leading to improved accuracy and efficiency. The innovative technology holds promise for making MRI scans more accessible and affordable, ultimately impacting the future of medical imaging
It enters the bloodstream, causing severe infections that are resistant to most antibiotics. The antimicrobial peptide, known as cathelicidin-AM, disrupts the protective slime of the bacteria, making it vulnerable to traditional antibiotics. This breakthrough offers hope for treating infections that were previously untreatable and highlights the potential of exploring naturally occurring antimicrobial substances for combating antibiotic-resistant bacteria
The development of a healthy embryo. Contrary to previous beliefs, new research suggests that cell contractility, not adhesion, plays a pivotal role in this process. This groundbreaking discovery has the potential to revolutionize assisted reproductive technology (ART) and improve the success rates of fertility treatments. Understanding the driving force behind embryonic compaction is essential for advancing our knowledge of early human development and improving outcomes for individuals seeking to start a family
Of a night's sleep, according to a new study. This finding sheds light on the crucial role of sleep in neural development and memory consolidation. The study's distinctive quality lies in its focus on the timing of synaptic weakening, highlighting the importance of the first half of sleep. Understanding this process can lead to advancements in treating memory-related disorders and optimizing cognitive function. Overall, this research emphasizes the pivotal role of sleep in maintaining brain health and function
Disorder that was previously considered lifelong with limited treatment options. However, groundbreaking research has shown that early detection and effective treatment can lead to significant recovery within 18 months, offering hope to millions of people worldwide. This discovery has the potential to revolutionize the way CRPS is approached and provides a ray of hope for those suffering from this debilitating condition
Dual or poly use of nicotine products among adolescents. Understanding these factors can be critical in developing targeted interventions to reduce nicotine dependence and mortality rates
A lack of responsiveness to growth hormone, may offer insights into the role of growth hormone in cardiovascular health. The study suggests that individuals with GHRD have lower levels of cardiovascular risk factors, such as lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These findings could have implications for the development of new treatments for cardiovascular disease. The unique insights from this study shed light on the potential advantages and distinctive qualities of individuals with GHRD in relation to cardiovascular health
Longest and most challenging battles with the virus. Their study revealed that approximately two-thirds of these survivors experienced lingering physical, psychiatric, and cognitive issues for up to a year after their initial diagnosis. This groundbreaking research sheds light on the long-term effects of COVID-19 and underscores the urgent need for ongoing support and medical care for those who have overcome the virus. The findings of this study have significant implications for public health efforts and the development of comprehensive post-COVID-19 care strategies
Of scar tissue leads to fibrosis. This new discovery has paved the way for a revolutionary treatment that targets this signaling pathway, offering hope for millions suffering from liver fibrosis. With its potential to improve liver function and quality of life for patients, this breakthrough holds immense promise in the field of liver disease treatment
A groundbreaking study from MIT has uncovered that over 300 liver genes are regulated by the body's internal clock, impacting the availability and breakdown of drugs. This finding suggests that the timing of drug administration could greatly influence its metabolism in the liver. The implications of this research are immense, offering a new understanding of how circadian rhythms play a crucial role in drug effectiveness and metabolism
Their survival. In a groundbreaking study, researchers have discovered a unique tactic used by certain bacteria to evade detection by the immune system and spread within the body. This revelation sheds light on the pivotal role of a bacterial nanomachine in the infection process, providing valuable insight into the elusive behavior of these pathogens. The findings of this study not only offer a deeper understanding of bacterial infections but also highlight the importance of targeting these nanomachines in developing new treatment strategies