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HomeLifestyleThe Dual Birthstones of October: A Colorful Celebration

The Dual Birthstones of October: A Colorful Celebration



What is the birthstone for October? Hint: There are actually two options.

Attention, October celebrators: your month is here! If you’re looking for a birthday gift for someone special, consider something featuring October’s birthstone.


In addition to flowers and Zodiac signs, each month is signified by at least one precious stone. For example, September is represented by the sapphire, while July has the ruby. Some months, like August, feature various gemstone options.

October is another month with multiple stones. Here’s a breakdown of the October birthstones.

Birthstones of October

October boasts two birthstones: opal and tourmaline.

Opal serves as the traditional birthstone for October. It’s believed the stone was first found in India and was called “upala,” which translates to “precious stone” in Sanskrit, according to the Geological Institute of America.


This gemstone is famous for its “play-of-color,” meaning it can shift shades. Raw opals look white, but when polished, they reveal a dazzling array of colors.

While opals are found all over the world, Australia is their main supplier, as reported by the Geological Institute of America. Other countries where opals can be sourced include Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, Central Europe, Honduras, Indonesia, Madagascar, Peru, Turkey, and the United States.


In ancient Greek culture, opals were thought to protect against illnesses and to provide prophetic abilities, according to the Institute. Additionally, opals symbolize purity, hope, and truth.

Moreover, opals are traditionally associated with the fourteenth wedding anniversary.

Another October Birthstone

Tourmaline is recognized as the modern birthstone for October.

This gem appears in a variety of colors, including pink, red, green, blue, violet, and black. Its name originates from the Sinhalese word “toramalli,” which translates to “stone with mixed colors,” as per the Geological Institute of America.


Tourmaline has historically been confused with other gems. For example, “Caesar’s Ruby” is actually red tourmaline, not a true ruby, according to the Institute.

Brazil is the primary source for tourmaline, but it can also be discovered in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, and in the U.S., specifically California and Maine.

The meaning of tourmaline changes with its color. For instance, pink tourmaline is linked to love and compassion, while green tourmaline represents courage and strength, the Institute notes.

This gemstone is also a common gift for the eighth wedding anniversary.