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HomeLocalThanksgiving Truce: Can We Bridge the Political Divide?

Thanksgiving Truce: Can We Bridge the Political Divide?



Joe Biden Should Officially Cancel Thanksgiving. The Divide is Too Great. | Opinion

If you cast your vote for someone with such a troubling past, then sitting down for turkey is not an option.

I’m urging President Joe Biden to take an important step for the nation by officially calling off this year’s Thanksgiving celebrations.


In light of the recent presidential election, engaging in mixed-ideology gatherings seems unwise, particularly those that may involve alcohol and unresolved family tensions.

Perhaps we can try again next year; for now, let’s prioritize our peace and opt for quiet celebrations with close friends and family instead of risking heated arguments.

You might think those on the winning side would be celebrating, but they aren’t.


One would think that supporters of Donald Trump would be in high spirits after his victory. However, the reality tells a different story.


The messages I see on social media from MAGA supporters reveal anger rather than celebration.

It seems that a portion of the population has developed a dependency on the adrenaline of anger, making it impossible for them to enjoy the triumph of someone who continues to fuel their frustrations.


It’s puzzling.

Liberals are struggling this Thanksgiving too


Liberals and others who see an approaching crisis are equally upset, anxious, and frustrated.


Personally, I wish I could just vanish like the Lorax in Dr. Seuss’s tale. I feel like I’ve warned everyone, but my concerns went unheard. So I prefer to withdraw.


However, fiction is just that, and I’m not disappearing anywhere—certainly not to a crowded table where I would be sharing a meal with Trump voters.

What often gets overlooked is that our differences stem from core values rather than mere political disagreements.

I can’t sit down with those who don’t share my values

If you voted for someone with such a questionable background who supports inhumane policies, believes in harmful ideologies, then there’s simply no common ground for sharing a meal.

I continually hear demands for people like me to empathize with Trump supporters, but it seems like no effort has been made by Trump voters to understand those of us on the other side.


There’s little emphasis on encouraging them to connect with individuals facing real challenges, like families of transgender children or migrants escaping violence.

No one insists they meet those who have endured the heartbreak of prejudice and discrimination linked to diversity and inclusion issues.

Unfortunately, understanding seems to be a one-way street. In the nearly

Throughout the lengthy Trump administration, political discussions have often felt lopsided.


If any of those individuals are coming to my Thanksgiving gathering, I think I’ll pass.

Picture the potential chaos this Thanksgiving

At every Thanksgiving dinner in households across America, just one cocktail or glass of wine could unleash a torrent of political conversations, thanks to relatives like Cousin Eddy, the conservative, libertarian Aunt Martha, or the passionate liberal niece or nephew back from college. Can you imagine how that conversation might unfold?


“I’m thrilled Trump won! Grocery prices are sure to drop!”

“Really, cousin? You believe rounding up people will make milk cheaper?”


“We need to keep America safe!”


Before long, the dog is cowering behind the couch, grandma’s in tears, the gravy boat has tipped over, fingers are being pointed everywhere, and hot wax has spilled into the pecan pie. Cousin Eddy storms off to catch Fox News, while the college student shares the fiasco on TikTok, leaving everyone more miserable than when the day started.

Dear President Biden, it might be best to skip Thanksgiving this year.

No, thank you!

President Biden, if we have any hopes of bringing the country together, it might be wise to cancel this year’s Thanksgiving. Just call it off, accept the defeat, and let’s reassess next year.

Bringing everyone together under these circumstances is like smoking a cigarette while frying the turkey—sure, you might get lucky, but odds are it won’t end well.