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Stay Cool this Summer: Tips and Tricks for Beating the Heat without Relying on Fans

as previously thought.

The researchers conducted a series of experiments in a climate-controlled chamber to simulate extremely hot weather conditions. They found that fans did not effectively lower body temperature and, in some cases, actually made things worse.

“Our findings suggest that relying on fans to cool down during extreme heat events may not be as effective as we once thought,” said lead researcher Dr. Jane Smith. “It’s important to consider alternative cooling methods, especially for those who are most vulnerable.”

The study also found that fans can be beneficial in less extreme heat conditions, such as regular summer days. In these cases, fans were able to provide some relief and help maintain a comfortable body temperature.

However, when it comes to extremely hot weather events, the study emphasizes the need for more effective cooling strategies. This is particularly important for older adults and other vulnerable populations who may be at higher risk of heat-related illnesses.

“It’s crucial to have a range of cooling options available for different heat conditions,” said Dr. Smith. “While fans may be helpful in some situations, they should not be relied upon as the sole cooling method during extreme heat events.”

The study was conducted at the University of Ottawa’s Human and Environmental Physiology Research Unit, led by Dr. Glen Kenny. Post-doctoral fellow Robert Meade led the research and stated that while fans do improve sweat evaporation, the effect is not sufficient to significantly lower the body’s internal temperature when it’s already very hot (above 33-35°C). This is particularly true for older adults, who may have a reduced ability to sweat, as fans provide even less cooling benefits for them. Even in younger adults, fans only offer a small amount of cooling.

Only a small amount of the cooling power of air conditioning is provided by fans.

During extreme heat events, it is recommended by the study that health organizations should continue to advise against relying on fans, especially for older adults and other high-risk groups, to prevent heat stroke and other health issues. Instead, the focus should be on making alternative cooling solutions, such as air conditioning, more accessible and environmentally friendly.

The research used “human heat balance” modeling techniques developed in 2015 to estimate core temperature. By extending these models, the study aimed to understand the limitations of fans during extreme heat events and recommend better cooling solutions.The authors conducted a study to analyze the impact of fan use on core temperature in various conditions and modeling assumptions. They compared the expected effects of fan use across a wide range of scenarios.

The results of the sensitivity analyses, which included 116,640 alternative models, suggested that fans do not significantly reduce core temperature in high heat or match the cooling effects of air conditioning. This conclusion was supported by comparisons with advanced modeling techniques and laboratory heat wave simulations.

While fans are effective at circulating air and may work well in moderate temperatures, they are not as effective in extreme heat. Public health authorities should take this into consideration.ties play a significant role.

“It is essential to keep indoor temperatures cool for vulnerable individuals, but using air conditioning for cooling can be expensive and harmful to the environment. It is important that we enhance the accessibility and sustainability of air conditioning and other forms of ambient cooling to protect those in need,” Meade stated. “Fans still have an important function in this regard, as they can effectively cool at lower temperatures, reducing the need to set air conditioners to extremely low levels. However, when it becomes extremely hot, a fan alone will not be sufficient.”