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HomeHealthAgingHow Biological Aging Clocks Tick: Exploring the Science and Impact

How Biological Aging Clocks Tick: Exploring the Science and Impact

from the‍ chronological age that is calculated using the date of birth. The precision​ of⁤ these aging clocks suggests that the aging ‌process follows a program. Scientists have ‌now discovered that aging clocks actually measure the increase in stochastic changes​ in cells.

from ⁢the chronological age calculated ⁣using the ​date of birth. The precision of ⁢these aging ‌clocks implies that the aging process⁣ is predetermined. Scientists ‍David Meyer and Professor ‌Dr Björn Schumacher at CECAD, ⁣the Cluster of Excellence‌ Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases‍ of the University of ‍Cologne, have now found that aging clocks actually measure the increase in random ​changes in cells. The ⁣study ‘Aging clocks based on accumulating stochastic variation’ has‌ been published in Nature Aging.

“Aging⁣ is triggered when the ‌building blocks ​in our cells become damaged.

Damage caused ‌by aging is mostly random, according‌ to Professor Schumacher. Our research combines ​aging clocks’ precision ‍with the accumulation of⁢ random changes in our cells.

More⁣ random ⁢changes, ‌fewer controls

As we age, our ability to control cell processes becomes less effective,‌ leading to more random outcomes. This is particularly noticeable in the buildup of random changes in⁣ DNA methylation, which​ refers to chemical alterations affecting DNA, ⁣the ⁢body’s genetic ‍material. While these methylation processes are tightly regulated in the body, they become‌ less ⁤controlled with age.During a person’s lifetime, random changes ‌in methylation patterns⁣ occur, and the⁣ accumulation of ⁣these variations ⁢is ​a highly accurate ⁢indicator of age.

Loss of control⁣ over cells ‍and an ⁢increase in⁤ stochastic variation is not‍ limited to ⁣DNA methylation. Meyer and Schumacher show that‌ an ⁢increase in stochastic variations in gene activity can also serve as​ an aging clock. “It⁢ would be possible to take this further and use stochastic variations ‌in any cellular process to predict age,” Schumacher said. The authors emphasize the ⁢importance of determining if such‌ aging.Clocks serve⁣ as indicators of ⁤the effectiveness of treatments that slow‍ down the aging process and the harmful factors that speed it up. Researchers used⁣ available ​data⁣ to demonstrate that smoking increases random changes in​ humans, while⁤ “anti-aging” interventions like reducing calorie intake in mice decreases the ⁢variation in methylation patterns. They also found that stochastic ⁤noise can⁣ be reversed by reprogramming​ body cells into stem cells. ⁤By comparing ‌human skin ⁤fibroblasts that were reprogrammed into ‌stem‍ cells, the ​researchers observed rejuvenation as⁣ a‍ result of the reprogramming. The high variation in methylation patterns‍ indicates aging.The low stochastic noise of young stem cells caused‍ one of the body cells to reverse. Meyer and Schumacher ⁣believe that ‍their discovery ⁢of the loss of regulation and the accumulation of stochastic variations could⁤ potentially lead to new treatments for aging and even cellular rejuvenation. One possible target for ⁢these treatments could be repairing ‌stochastic​ changes in DNA or better ​controlling gene expression.