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HomeHealthBrain Injury Study: Caution Urged in Withdrawing Life Support, Patients May Recover

Brain Injury Study: Caution Urged in Withdrawing Life Support, Patients May Recover

The analysis of 1,392 patients with traumatic ​brain injuries (TBIs) revealed that some patients who had life support withdrawn might ​have⁣ survived and regained some level of ‌independence a few months after the injury. Typically, families ⁣are required to decide ‍whether to ‍withdraw life support ​within 72 hours of a brain ⁢injury, but the new study suggests ​that delaying ​such decisions could be⁣ beneficial for some patients. Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of⁣ hospitalizations ​and ⁣deaths globally, affecting over five million people annually. Predicting outcomes following a brain injury can be difficult.Families​ are often faced with the ​difficult task of deciding whether to continue or⁤ stop ⁣life-sustaining treatment shortly after a loved one‍ experiences a traumatic‌ brain injury. A recent study by Mass General ⁤Brigham researchers ​looked at the potential outcomes for⁤ TBI patients enrolled in‍ the ​TRACK-TBI ⁤study who‌ had life support withdrawn. The study⁢ found that‍ some patients who had life support withdrawn could ⁣have potentially ‌survived and regained some level ⁢of independence a few ​months after the injury. These ‍findings indicate that ‍delaying the decision to⁣ withdraw life support⁤ could be beneficial for some patients.Patients.

Families ⁢are often asked to make decisions about discontinuing life support, such as mechanical⁣ breathing, within 72 hours of a brain‍ injury. Doctors often ⁢provide information suggesting a poor prognosis ⁣for brain function, and⁣ this⁣ is the most common reason families choose to ‌discontinue life support. However, there are currently​ no‌ specific medical guidelines or algorithms to determine which patients with severe TBI are likely to recover.

By analyzing data from 1,392 TBI patients in intensive care units‍ at 18 trauma⁤ centers in the United States over a 7.5-year period, the ⁣researchers developed a mathematical model to predict the likelihood ⁢of ⁢recovery.The ⁢study looked at the likelihood⁣ of withdrawing life-sustaining treatment based on factors such as demographics, socioeconomic status, and injury characteristics. They then compared individuals who had life-sustaining treatment withdrawn (WLST+) with individuals ‌who had similar characteristics but did not have ⁢treatment withdrawn (WLST-).

The follow-up⁣ showed that a significant number of‍ the WLST+ group either died or regained some independence in daily activities within six months.​ Among the survivors, over​ 40 percent ⁤of​ the WLST- group regained some level of independence.The research team discovered that it ⁣was unlikely for patients to remain in⁢ a vegetative state six months after their injury. It is important to note that ‍none of the patients in the⁤ study were declared‍ brain dead, so⁣ the results do ⁢not apply⁣ to brain death cases.

The authors believe that there is a self-fulfilling ⁣prophecy happening, where ‌clinicians expect patients to have ‍poor outcomes based on data, leading‌ to the withdrawal of life support. This in turn increases⁤ the rate of poor outcomes and⁤ results in more decisions to ⁢withdraw life support.

The authors recommend conducting⁤ further studies⁤ to ⁤better understand this phenomenon.Research that includes larger ⁢sample sizes is necessary ‍to better understand the recovery ⁣trajectories of patients who experience traumatic brain‍ injuries. This will allow for more precise matching‌ of ‌WLST+⁣ and WLST- cohorts. Corresponding author Yelena​ Bodien, PhD, of the Department of Neurology’s Center ‌for Neurotechnology​ and Neurorecovery at Massachusetts General Hospital and of the Spaulding-Harvard Traumatic⁢ Brain Injury Model Systems, ⁣emphasized the ‍importance of a cautious approach to‌ early decisions regarding⁢ withdrawal of life support. She also highlighted the need for ⁢long-term follow-ups ‍to⁣ understand patient outcomes, as traumatic brain injury is ⁢a chronic condition.The study,⁤ published ‌on May 13 in the Journal of Neurotrauma, explores⁤ the potential for recovery in patients who have had life-sustaining ⁣treatment withdrawn. The research ⁣suggests that delaying decisions ⁤about life ​support ‌may help to identify patients‌ whose condition could ​improve.