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HomeHealthRevolutionary Stroke Detection: Game-Changing Blood Test Developed by Researchers

Revolutionary Stroke Detection: Game-Changing Blood Test Developed by Researchers

system, provides a novel approach to identifying patients experiencing large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke with high‌ accuracy. By ⁢combining blood-based biomarkers with‍ a clinical score, scientists have developed a‌ new test ‌that could potentially prevent‍ severe⁣ consequences ​of stroke.

The healthcare system, along with collaborators, has created a new test that combines blood-based biomarkers with ⁣a clinical score ‌to accurately identify patients with large vessel occlusion (LVO)‍ stroke. ⁤The results of their study ⁤can be‌ found in the journal Stroke: Vascular and Interventional⁣ Neurology.

Senior author Joshua Bernstock, MD, PhD, MPH, a clinical fellow in ⁢the Department of Neurosurgery at Brigham ‌and​ Women, ⁢stated, “We have developed an innovative and accessible tool that could improve the ⁢chances of getting critical, life-saving care to more stroke ⁤patients at the right place and the right time.”The​ majority of strokes are ischemic, meaning that they occur when‌ blood flow to the brain is ⁤blocked. LVO strokes are a particularly‌ aggressive type of ischemic⁣ stroke,‌ caused by a blockage in a major brain artery. This blockage leads to a ‍compromised blood supply to the brain,⁤ resulting in the rapid death of brain cells due to ​lack of oxygen‍ and⁢ nutrients. ⁤LVO strokes are considered serious medical emergencies ‍and require⁢ prompt treatment with mechanical thrombectomy, a surgical procedure used to remove the blockage.

The use of mechanical thrombectomy⁣ has ​proven to⁣ be life-saving for individuals who would have‌ otherwise died⁤ or⁤ suffered severe disability. It has the ability to fully restore these individuals, as ⁢if the stroke ⁢had never occurred.”The sooner this intervention is implemented, the better the patient’s chances are,” stated Bernstock. “This innovative technology has the ability to make⁢ this⁤ treatment ‍more accessible to⁢ people ⁤worldwide.” The researchers had⁣ previously⁢ focused on two particular proteins present in capillary blood, one known as‍ glial fibrillary acidic protein ⁤(GFAP), associated with brain bleeds and traumatic brain injury, and ‍another called D-dimer. Through ⁢their study, they showed that the levels of these blood-based biomarkers, in combination with field assessment stroke triage for emergency destination (FAST-ED) scores, could have‍ a significant impact.The‌ goal of ‍this study was to distinguish LVO ischemic strokes from other conditions such as brain⁣ bleeding, which have similar symptoms.​ It can be difficult to differentiate between the two in the field, but it is important to do so because the treatment for each condition is very different.

Researchers conducted a ​prospective, observational‍ diagnostic accuracy study using data from 323 ⁤stroke patients in Florida⁢ between May 2021‌ and August 2022. They discovered that by combining levels of ​biomarkers GFAP and D-dimer with FAST-ED data within six hours of symptom onset, the test was able to ⁤identify ⁤LVO strokes with 93 percent specificity.and 81 percent sensitivity. In addition, the study found that the test successfully eliminated all patients with brain ​bleeds, suggesting that the technology may eventually be used to identify ‍intracerebral hemorrhage in the‌ field.

Bernstock’s team also envisions potential future applications of this accessible ​diagnostic tool in ⁣low- ⁣and middle-income countries, ⁢where advanced imaging is not always accessible. It could also be valuable in evaluating patients with traumatic brain injuries. They are ​currently conducting another prospective trial to assess the test’s performance when used in an ambulance. They have also developed an interventional trial that l rnrnLeveraging technology can help speed ‌up ​the process of identifying and treating stroke patients by allowing them to skip standard imaging and go‌ straight to intervention. ⁤According to Bernstock, time is crucial in ⁣stroke care,​ and getting patients ⁤on the right care path as​ soon as possible can greatly improve their outcomes.​ The ability to rule out bleeds or identify​ issues that require intervention in a ⁤prehospital setting‍ using⁢ the technology they have ‍developed could be revolutionary. Disclosure: Edoardo Guade has received grant funding from the UK Research and Innovation small business research initiative. Edoardo Guade and Joshua Bernstock are affiliated with ⁣Pockit Diagnostics Ltd. and have equity ⁢positions in the company. Joshua Bernstock also holds an equity position in⁤ Treovir Inc. and serves on the⁣ boards ⁢of Centile Bio and NeuroX1.

Funding: The study⁣ received support from Innovate UK grant 104640 and⁤ private funding.