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HomeHealthBreastAI EEG Interpretation: Revolutionizing Medical Diagnosis for Saving Lives

AI EEG Interpretation: Revolutionizing Medical Diagnosis for Saving Lives

A team of researchers from Duke University has created a machine learning model that ⁤enhances the ability of medical ‌professionals⁣ to interpret electroencephalography (EEG) charts for patients in intensive care. This tool is especially ⁤important as EEG readings ⁤are the only way to detect when unconscious patients ⁤are at risk ‍of having a seizure or seizure-like events, and⁤ it​ has⁤ the potential to save numerous lives each year.

Computational tool could be a life-saving method for ⁢unconscious patients at risk of seizures. The results were published online ⁣on May ⁤23 in the New England Journal of Medicine AI.

EEGs utilize sensors⁣ on the‍ scalp to ⁢measure the brain’s electrical signals, which⁣ creates‍ a distinctive pattern. This pattern changes dramatically during a seizure,⁢ making it easy⁢ to identify.

According to Dr. Brandon Westover, there are seizure-like events that are more challenging⁤ to identify and categorize compared to seizures. These‍ events exist on a continuum of brain activity and can also cause harm, requiring treatment. Even highly trained neurologists may have difficulty recognizing and ‍confidently ‌categorizing the EEG patterns​ caused by these⁣ events, making it important for ⁢medical facilities to ​have the necessary expertise.

Health outcomes⁢ of these patients are ‌critical for ⁢doctors to determine.

To create a⁣ tool to assist in ⁢making these ⁢determinations, the doctors sought the expertise of Cynthia Rudin, the Earl​ D. McLean, Jr. Professor of Computer ‍Science ⁣and Electrical and Computer Engineering⁣ at Duke. Rudin ‌and her ⁢team⁤ specialize in developing machine learning​ algorithms⁤ that ⁢are⁢ easy to‌ understand. Unlike traditional machine learning ‍models, which are often difficult for humans to comprehend, interpretable machine learning models must⁢ be able to explain ⁢their reasoning.

The ‌research ⁤group began by collecting EEG samples from over 2,700 patients and involving more than.In a study, 120 experts⁤ were tasked with identifying important characteristics in EEG graphs. They categorized these characteristics as either⁤ a‌ seizure, one of four types of seizure-like events,‌ or ‘other.’ Each type of event is represented in​ the EEG charts by specific shapes or patterns in the lines. However, the appearance of these charts can⁣ be inconsistent, making ​it difficult ⁢to identify clear signals. This inconsistency can be caused by ⁣inaccurate‌ data or the merging of different signals, resulting in‍ confusing charts.

“There⁢ is a⁤ definitive truth, but it’s challenging‌ to interpret,” explained⁤ Stark⁣ Guo, a Ph.D. student in Rudin’s lab. “The inherent uncertainty in many of these charts required us‌ to train the ‌model to make decisions within a continuous spectrum.”The algorithm presents a continuum‍ of seizure-like events rather than distinct ‌categories. This continuum resembles a multicolored‍ starfish, with ‌each arm ​representing a different type of seizure-like event ⁢detected by the ⁣EEG. The algorithm’s confidence in its decision is indicated by the specific chart’s position on the arm, with​ greater certainty closer to⁢ the ​tip of⁣ the arm and less ‌certainty closer to the central body. In addition to this visual classification, the algorithm identifies the brainwave patterns it used to ⁢make its ‍determination and offers three examples of professional.The algorithm is designed to identify patterns in EEG charts that are similar to those typically diagnosed by medical professionals. According to Alina Barnett, a postdoctoral research associate‌ in ​the Rudin ​lab, ​this allows medical professionals ⁤to quickly review the ‌important sections and ⁣either confirm the presence of patterns or determine if the algorithm is inaccurate. ​Even those‌ with ⁤limited experience in‌ reading EEGs can make more informed decisions. To test the algorithm,‌ a team of​ researchers had​ eight medical professionals categorize 100 EEG samples into six categories,⁤ first with the assistance ​of AI and then ⁣without. The ⁣results showed the performance ⁢of all participants.

‌ The⁤ accuracy ⁣of the pants has significantly improved, ⁤increasing from ⁢47% ⁢to ⁢71%. In a previous study, their performance surpassed those using ‍a similar “black box” algorithm.

“People often ​believe that black box machine learning models are more precise,⁢ but for many‌ important applications, such ‍as ​this one, that ​is not the case,” Rudin stated. “It ​is​ much easier to troubleshoot models when they are​ interpretable. In this instance, the interpretable model was actually more accurate. Furthermore, it offers a⁤ comprehensive ‌view of the types of anomalous electrical ⁢signals that occur in the brain, which is extremely beneficial for the care of critically ill patients.”This study received funding from the National Science Foundation (IIS-2147061, HRD-2222336, IIS-2130250, 2014431), the National ‌Institutes of Health (R01NS102190, R01NS102574,‍ R01NS107291, RF1AG064312, RF1NS120947, R01AG073410,‌ R01HL161253, K23NS124656, P20GM130447) and the DHHS ⁣LB606 Nebraska Stem Cell Grant.