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HomeEnvironmentUrban Nature Exploration: Discover the Benefits of Connecting with the Natural World

Urban Nature Exploration: Discover the Benefits of Connecting with the Natural World

New research using eye-tracking technology has revealed that merely gazing at natural surroundings while taking a stroll in the city can provide notable improvements in mental well-being. The study, conducted by Bangor University and Technion- Israel Institute of Technology and published in the scientific journal People and Nature, focused on urban residents and demonstrated how directing visual attention towards greenery, as opposed to man-made structures, can reduce anxiety and promote a sense of rejuvenation.

The study included 117 urban residents who were instructed to wear eye-tracking glasses and participate in a 45-minute urban walk. During the walk, they were told to focus their gaze on natural elements such as trees, plants, and flowers, as well as man-made structures. This unique approach revealed that focusing on nature was linked to improvements in mental health, including reduced anxiety levels and increased feelings of restorativeness.

Dr. Whitney Fleming, a lecturer in Human Geography at Bangor University, commented on the findings, noting that individuals who directed their gaze more frequently toward nature experienced positive mental health benefits.

Observing green elements, particularly trees, has been shown to significantly reduce anxiety, according to a study by “The Nature Gaze.” The study also found that interacting with nature, even briefly, can have positive effects on mental health, with trees having the most substantial impact.

This research suggests that incorporating more natural features into urban landscapes can be beneficial for the mental well-being of city residents. Urban planners and architects can use these insights to create city spaces that promote mental health.The author suggests that urban areas should encourage interaction with nature to improve mental health. This can be achieved through a simple and effective strategy.