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HomeDiseaseCOVIDBartonella DNA Found in Blood of Psychotic Patients: New Study Reveals 3x...

Bartonella DNA Found in Blood of Psychotic Patients: New Study Reveals 3x Higher Presence, Linking Pathogens to Mental Illness

A recent study discovered that individuals with schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder are three times more likely to have Bartonella DNA in their blood compared to adults without these conditions. This research further reinforces the theory that pathogens, particularly those transmitted by vectors, may be involved in mental illness.

A new study has found that patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder are three times more likely to have Bartonella DNA in their blood than adults without these disorders. The work further supports the idea that pathogens — particularly vector-borne pPathogens such as Bartonella bacteria may be linked to mental illness. Bartonella bacteria are a type of vector-borne pathogen that are primarily transmitted by arthropods like fleas, lice, and potentially ticks, as well as the animals that carry them. For example, Bartonella henselae is connected to cat scratch disease, which was previously believed to be a short-lived infection. There are a minimum of 45 different known species of Bartonella, with 18 confirmed to infect humans. Advances in detecting Bartonella infection in animals and humans have resulted in improved methods for diagnosis.

diagnosis of bartonelloses in patients with a host of chronic illnesses, as well as in some patients with psychiatric symptoms.

In this latest study, researchers at North Carolina State University analyzed the blood of 116 people for evidence of Bartonella DNA and Bartonella specific antibodies. The samples were collected during a biomarker research study conducted by Dr. Shannon Delaney and colleagues at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC).

Of the 116 people, 29 were in the control group; 16 were prodromal, meaning they had symptoms but no formal diagnosis; 51 were children, adolescents or a

The diagnosis of bartonelloses is conducted in patients with various chronic illnesses, and also in some patients with psychiatric symptoms. In this recent research, North Carolina State University scientists examined the blood of 116 individuals for signs of Bartonella DNA and Bartonella specific antibodies. The blood samples were gathered during a biomarker study led by Dr. Shannon Delaney and her team at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC). Out of the 116 participants, 29 were part of the control group, 16 had prodromal symptoms (symptoms but no formal diagnosis), and 51 were children and adolescents, A recent study, researchers at Columbia University found that 30 adults with psychosis and 20 close relatives of those diagnosed with psychosis were tested for increased inflammatory mediators. Previous research at Columbia had shown that patients with psychosis were more likely to have increased inflammatory markers in their blood. Dr. Edward Breitschwerdt, an infectious disease researcher, believes that infection should be carefully considered as a potential cause of unclear or unknown diseases. He is the Melanie S. Steele Distinguished Professor of Internal Medicine at NC State.e’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “We wanted to investigate the possible causes of inflammation in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. Given the connections I’ve observed in my previous research between Bartonella and symptoms of mental illness, Bartonella infection could be a potential factor.”

In a study where the researchers were unaware of the sample details, the NC State team utilized immunofluorescence assays and digital droplet PCR testing to identify and amplify DNA in the blood samples. Since the blood samples had been frozen and stored, the researchers did not try to culture bacteria from them. Culturing the bacteria can further improve DNA detection.

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According to a recent study, 43% of participants diagnosed with psychosis had Bartonella DNA in their blood, while only 14% of the control group had it. Using DNA sequencing, the researchers were able to determine the specific Bartonella species in 18 out of 31 participants with Bartonella in their blood. These species included Bartonella henselae (11/18), Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii (6/18), Bartonella quintana (2/18), Bartonella alsatica (1/18), and Bartonella rochalimae (1/18).

This study is the second one to identify Bartonella DNA in people with psychiatric illnesses.The presence of Bartonella in the blood of psychiatric patients has been studied in a 2020 research project. This study, which was disrupted by the COVID pandemic, discovered Bartonella species DNA in 65% of University of North Carolina School of Medicine patients with schizophrenia, compared to only 8% in healthy volunteer controls. Dr. Breitschwerdt, a researcher involved in the study, stated that the findings indicate the importance of further investigating the potential role of Bartonella in neuropsychiatric symptoms. He also emphasized the need for replication of these findings in other studies.

“The research further supports the link between Bartonella species infection and psychosis, which could have important implications for clinical practice,” says Dr. Brian Fallon of CUIMC. “It’s important to note, however, that association does not necessarily mean causation; there may be other factors at play.”

Another important finding was that the frequency of positive antibody tests for Bartonella infection was not significantly different between the control group and the individuals with psychosis. This suggests that exposure to Bartonella is common in the general population.”The study, published in Frontiers in Psychiatry and supported by various organizations including the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, cautions against relying solely on serologic test results, as this approach can be deceptive. Dr. Delaney is the lead author of the study, with Cynthia Robveille and Drs. Breitschwerdt and Fallon as co-authors. Other contributors from NC State University include Research Professor Ricardo Maggi, former Ph.D. student Dr. Erin Lashnits, junior research scientist Emily Kingston, and graduate students.The study was assisted by research assistant Chance Liedig, with contributions from research RN Lilly Murray from Columbia University.