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HomeHealthAgingKetogenic Diet's Impact on Memory: New Research Reveals Molecular Pathway for Brain...

Ketogenic Diet’s Impact on Memory: New Research Reveals Molecular Pathway for Brain Health and Aging

The ⁣ketogenic diet has both supporters and critics ⁢among ⁤people who are trying to lose weight, but‌ regardless, the diet has been ⁣proven‍ to have an effect ⁤on⁢ memory in mice. Scientists⁢ have discovered⁢ that the high‌ fat,⁣ low carbohydrate​ diet enhances memory in older mice, and they have also ‍identified⁣ a new molecular signaling pathway that improves synapse function. ⁤This new finding​ helps ⁢to ​explain the diet’s positive impact on brain health and aging.mice. Scientists from Buck Institute ‍and the University of Chile‌ have discovered a new molecular ⁤signaling pathway‍ that enhances synapse function. This helps‌ to explain how the ketogenic diet can benefit⁢ brain health ⁤and slow down the​ aging process. The study ⁣was published in the June 5, 2024 issue of Cell Reports Medicine. These findings open⁣ up new possibilities for targeting memory improvement on a molecular level, without the need ‌for following a ketogenic diet or its byproducts.

“Our research​ shows that the ‌ketogenic diet has wide-ranging benefits ‌for brain function. We‍ have also identified a mechanism of action that can⁢ be ​used as a strategy to maintain and ‌enhance cognitive function, without the need ‌for following ⁣the ketogenic diet or its ⁣byproducts,” said​ the researchers.The study’s senior author, Christian González-Billault,​ PhD, stated ​that ‌this function is important during aging. He is a professor at ‌the Universidad de ​Chile ‌and ⁣director of their Geroscience⁢ Center for⁣ Brain Health and Metabolism, and adjunct‍ professor at the Buck Institute.

John Newman, MD, PhD, who ⁤collaborated with⁣ Dr. González-Billault ⁣on the study, mentioned‌ that their previous work showed ⁤a ketogenic ⁣diet improving healthspan and memory in aging mice. The ‍new work indicates that they can start with older animals and still​ improve ‌the health of the aging brain, and that the changes begin to happen relatively quickly..Newman is both a faculty member at ‌the ⁢Buck Institute and a geriatrician at the⁢ University of California,⁣ San Francisco. “This study is the most ⁢comprehensive examination of the​ ketogenic diet’s effects on the‌ aging brain in mice to ​date.”

Over⁣ a century ago, scientists observed that rats that consumed fewer calories ⁣lived ⁣longer. “We now understand that the​ ability ⁤to manipulate‌ lifespan is not solely ⁣about eating less,” Newman explained, “but rather, it is linked to internal ⁢cellular signals that regulate specific pathways in response to available nutrients.⁤ Many of these pathways⁣ are associated with aging, such⁣ as controlling protein turnover and metabolism.”One of the signals is the presence⁤ of ‌ketone bodies, including ⁤acetoacetate (AcAc), β-hydroxybutyrate ​(BHB), and acetone,⁣ which are produced in the liver. These molecules increase ⁢when⁤ there is a shortage of glucose, caused by factors such ‌as caloric restriction, intense exercise,⁤ or a low carbohydrate ⁣intake,⁣ as seen ⁤in a ketogenic diet.

Seven years ago, ⁢Newman and his team proved that exposing mice to⁣ increased levels of ketone bodies through a ketogenic diet can help them live longer and age in​ a healthier⁢ way. This had a significant impact on their overall health.”One of the most interesting findings from ​the study was that ⁢as mice ‍on a ‍ketogenic ⁢diet aged, their memory ⁢was preserved, and possibly even improved compared to when they were younger,” stated the researcher.

The study, ​which aimed ‍to determine the specific components of the ⁤ketogenic diet that were responsible ⁤for this effect and how they were impacting the brain on ⁢a molecular level ⁣to enhance memory, was led by‍ González-Billault in collaboration with other scientists at the Buck Institute. In the study, mice on ⁣a‌ ketogenic diet ‍were fed a diet⁣ consisting of 90 percent fat and​ 10 percent protein, while those on a control diet received the same amount ‌of protein but only 13 percent fat. The “advanced age” mice, which ​were over two years old, were given one week of ‍the ketogenic diet.The mice​ were fed a⁤ ketogenic diet for one week,⁢ followed by a ​week ⁤of the control ‍diet to prevent overeating and⁤ obesity.

González-Billault demonstrated ​the benefits of ⁢the ketogenic diet through neurophysiological and behavioral⁣ experiments with⁢ aged mice. These‍ experiments tested the effectiveness⁣ of memory​ generation, storage, and retrieval mechanisms. ⁣The results indicated that the ketogenic diet improved the functioning of the synapses responsible for memory.‌ This led to a detailed examination ⁤of the protein composition at these synapses⁢ in the hippocampus, in⁤ collaboration with Buck‍ professors.Professor Birgit Schilling, PhD, who leads the Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Center, expressed her astonishment ‍at the significant impact of the ketogenic diet on synaptic proteins. The changes were observed after just one week on the ‍diet and became ‌more pronounced over time,⁤ with testing after six weeks and a year. Additionally, the team ‌found that the ketogenic diet‌ activated a ‍specific signaling ‍pathway (protein⁢ kinase⁢ A) critical⁢ to synapse activity⁢ in isolated cells.It was demonstrated that BHB, the primary ketone body generated in ‌a ketogenic diet, ​activates this pathway. This‍ suggests ​that ketone bodies, especially BHB,‌ play a critical role not ‍only as ​an energy ⁣source but​ also as a signaling⁣ molecule. “BHB is likely not the sole ​molecule‍ involved, but⁣ we believe‌ it is a‌ significant aspect in ‌understanding the mechanisms of the ketogenic diet and ketone bodies,” Newman ⁢stated.​ “This study is the first to truly⁣ link the intricate⁣ molecular mechanisms​ of ketone bodies to the improvement of the aging brain.” Moving ‌forward, the next phase will focus on It ,  worth investigating if similar memory protection can be achieved by using BHB alone,​ or possibly by even more specific ‌manipulation of the protein kinase A‌ signaling pathway. The ⁣goal would be​ to recreate the overall effects on synapse function and ‍memory by targeting the signaling pathway in the correct cells. This could potentially‌ eliminate the need for a ketogenic‌ diet in ‍the future.