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HomeDiseaseCOVIDBio-Based Coronavirus Variant Detection Tool: A Fast and Reliable Solution

Bio-Based Coronavirus Variant Detection Tool: A Fast and Reliable Solution

Researchers have invented a bioelectric device that can quickly identify and categorize new coronavirus variants to pinpoint the most dangerous ones. This technology also shows promise in detecting other types of viruses.

Cornell University researchers have designed a bioelectric device that can swiftly detect and classify emerging coronavirus variants, highlighting those with the greatest impact. This innovation may also be applicable to various other viruses.

The tool utilizes a cell membrane, known as a biomembrane, on a microchip to mimic the environment and infection process of a cell. This allows researchers to swiftly analyze concerning variants and understand the mechanisms that drive the spread of the disease, bypassing the complexities of living systems.

“We frequently witness the emergence of concerning virus variants like delta and omicron in the news, causing alarm. People often wonder, ‘Does my vaccine protect against this new variant? How worried should I be?'” explained Susan Daniel, a chemical engineering professor and the senior author of a paper published in Nature Communications. “Determining the severity of a new variant can take time.”

While many biological components have been integrated into microchips in the past, such as cells and organ-like structures, this new platform stands out by replicating the biological signals and processes responsible for initiating an infection at the cellular membrane level. Essentially, it tricks a variant into behaving as if it were interacting with a real cellular system of its potential host.

“There could potentially be a link between a variant’s ability to transmit its genetic material across the biomembrane layer and its threat level in terms of infecting humans,” stated Daniel. “If a variant efficiently releases its genetic material, that could be an indicator for closely monitoring or developing a new vaccine. If not, it may be less worrisome. The crux here is to categorize these variants swiftly to make well-informed decisions, and our devices enable us to achieve this rapidly. These tests only take minutes to conduct, and they are ‘label-free,’ removing the need to tag the virus for monitoring purposes.”

By accurately simulating the biological conditions and cues that trigger a virus, researchers can also manipulate these cues to observe the virus’s response.

“This is a unique tool for comprehending the fundamental science behind the infection process and the influences that aid or hinder it,” noted Daniel. “By isolating various stages of the reaction sequence, we can identify the factors that either promote or impede infection.”

The platform can be customized for other viruses such as influenza and measles, provided researchers understand which cell types are susceptible to infection and the biological characteristics that foster specific infections. For instance, influenza necessitates a pH decrease to activate its hemagglutinin, while corona¬virus relies on an enzyme to trigger its spike protein.

“Every virus has its unique mechanisms. Understanding them is crucial for replicating the infection process on a chip,” Daniel emphasized. “Once you grasp these mechanisms, you can adapt the platform to accommodate the specific conditions required.”

The co-authors of this study are Ambika Pachaury, a doctoral student; Konstantinos Kallitsis; and Zixuan Lu from the University of Cambridge.

This research received support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Army Research Office, Cornell’s Smith Fellowship for Postdoctoral Innovation, the Schmidt Futures program, and the National Science Foundation.