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HomeHealthRevolutionary Molecular Device: Targeted Drug Delivery & Self-Healing Materials

Revolutionary Molecular Device: Targeted Drug Delivery & Self-Healing Materials

Scientists at The University of Manchester have created a unique molecular device that can regulate the release of several small molecules using force. This breakthrough has the potential to transform the fields of medical and material engineering. The researchers have developed a force-controlled release system that utilizes natural forces to activate the precise release of molecules.The research has the potential to greatly advance medical treatment and smart materials. Today, the discovery was published in the journal Nature and it involves a unique technique using a type of interlocked molecule called rotaxane. This component, when subjected to mechanical force, such as that found at an injured or damaged site, triggers the release of functional molecules, such as medicines or healing agents, to target the specific area in need, like the site of a tumor. Additionally, it offers the possibility of self-healing materials that can repair themselves in place when damaged, thereby extending the lifespan of these materials. For example,

It’s like a tiny scratch on a smartphone screen.

Guillaume De Bo, a professor at The University of Manchester, who specializes in Organic Chemistry, stated that “Forces are everywhere in nature and play important roles in many processes. Our goal was to use these forces for groundbreaking applications, especially in improving material durability and drug delivery.

“Although this is just a concept at this point, we believe that our rotaxane-based approach has enormous potential and can be used in a wide range of applications — we are on the verge of some truly remarkable advancements in healthcare and technology.”

Traditionally, the controlled release of molecules with force has been a challenge, but our new approach offers a potential solution.

esented challenges in releasing multiple molecules simultaneously. Traditionally, this process involved a molecular “tug of war” where two polymers pulled at opposite ends to release a single molecule. The new approach, however, utilizes two polymer chains attached to a central ring-like structure that can slide along an axle supporting the cargo. This innovative method allows for the simultaneous release of multiple cargo molecules in response to force application. In fact, the scientists were able to demonstrate the release of up to five molecules at once, with the potential for even more, thus overcoming previous limitations. This breakthrough represents a significant advancement in the field.Researchers have shown that they can release multiple components, making it one of the most efficient release systems so far. The study also demonstrates the versatility of the model by using various types of molecules, such as drug compounds, fluorescent markers, catalysts, and monomers, suggesting a wide range of potential future applications. In the future, the researchers plan to further explore self-healing applications and investigate whether two different types of molecules can be released simultaneously. For example, combining monomers and catalysts could allow polymerization at the site of damage., developing a system that helps materials heal themselves.

They will also seek to broaden the range of molecules that can be let out.

Prof De Bo stated: “We have only just begun to tap into the potential of this technology. The possibilities are endless, and we are eager to delve further into it.