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HomeHealthCutting-Edge Potential Leukemia Therapy: A Promising Breakthrough

Cutting-Edge Potential Leukemia Therapy: A Promising Breakthrough

Investigators at the Dana-Farber ‍Cancer Institute found that certain types of myeloid ‍and lymphoid⁤ leukemias ⁣rely on a ‌molecular complex known as PI3Kgamma for⁤ their survival. ⁣Their ​study offers ⁣both ‌mechanistic and preclinical​ evidence ⁤to support the prompt⁣ start of clinical trials for patients with acute⁢ myeloid ⁢leukemia (AML) to evaluate⁢ an existing drug that inhibits the complex, called eganelisib. This includes testing⁢ the drug alone and in combination⁢ with the most commonly used AML chemotherapy, cytarabine.The research study provides evidence to support ⁢the⁢ rapid start of clinical trials for patients⁢ with acute myeloid leukemia (AML)​ to⁢ test eganelisib, ‌an existing medicine that inhibits a complex. The study suggests ⁤testing eganelisib‍ alone and in combination⁣ with the most commonly used AML chemotherapy, cytarabine. Principal investigator Andrew Lane, MD, PhD, states, “Given what we’ve⁤ observed, ⁢we can move very quickly‌ to take these medicines,⁢ which appear to‌ be safe and well tolerated, to patients with AML.” The study was published in ⁢ Dana-Farber. “We are planning clinical⁣ trials to start⁣ hopefully within the next⁢ year.”

In the past 10 years, there have been advancements in⁤ the treatment of​ AML. ​However, most patients end up relapsing after treatment. Although therapies‌ targeting AML-related mutations have been beneficial⁢ for some patients, ‌the ⁢cancer eventually adapts to‌ resist‍ the treatment.

The team at ‍Dana-Farber took a different⁤ approach in their‌ search for therapeutic targets. Rather than ⁤focusing on mutations, first author Qingyu Luo, MD, PhD, a research fellow⁣ in Lane’s lab,⁣ used genome wide⁣ CRISPR‌ interference‌ to search for genes ⁢that‌ AML cells rely on to grow.

Through this method, he ⁤discovered A ‍promising discovery was made ‍when it⁤ was⁤ found that ​a specific gene, known as PI3KR5, was essential for the survival of a subset of leukemia⁤ cells. This gene‌ is responsible‌ for​ producing a crucial component of ⁤the ⁣PI3Kgamma complex.

What made this discovery even more compelling⁤ was the fact that ‍the PI3Kgamma complex ‍had‍ been previously studied, although not in⁢ relation ‌to AML. Furthermore, there was already an‍ existing drug, eganelisib,‌ that could inhibit it. ⁤This drug had been undergoing trials for ⁢certain solid tumors in​ order ⁤to improve cancer immunotherapy.

However, what ‌Luo ‌and ⁤Lane ​had uncovered was a whole new way in which the drug could potentially work directly ​on leukemia ⁢cells to ⁣halt their growth.

rnrnTo test this theory, ‍the team used eganelisib to treat animal​ models ‍with ⁢patient-derived leukemia xenografts. They ‍discovered that the leukemia xenografts, which were expected to rely heavily on PI3Kgamma, decreased in size, and the animal models ⁢lived longer⁣ after being⁢ treated with eganelisib.

When ⁤analyzing ⁤data⁢ from The Cancer‌ Genome Atlas (TCGA), the team​ noticed that patients with AML who were expected to respond ​well to eganelisib did not have as favorable outcomes when‌ undergoing existing therapies compared ‌to⁤ those with negative biomarkers. This indicates ⁣that patients with high ​levels⁤ of PI3KR5 expression, identified as a result, may have ‌a specific need.

There is potential for​ new ‍medications ‌that may benefit from treatment with eganelisib for patients ​with ‌AML,” says Lane. “This drug has ⁤already undergone ⁤clinical trials for⁣ patients ⁣with solid⁢ tumors and is now ready for testing in ⁢AML ‍patients.”

Luo, the⁤ researcher behind‌ this study aimed at improving ⁣current⁣ AML therapies, conducted experiments on animal models of leukemia using ⁣cytarabine alone and in combination with eganelisib. The results showed‌ that those treated with ‍eganelisib and cytarabine together⁢ lived longer than those‍ treated with cytarabine alone,⁤ regardless of⁣ the leukemia’s sensitivity to PI3Kgamma inhibition alone.

The ‍obserLuo’s observations⁤ indicated that ‍the⁤ two medications worked together in⁢ a beneficial way. ‍Upon further investigation, Luo determined​ that inhibiting PI3Kgamma also led ​to the suppression of a metabolic process in leukemia‍ cells known as oxidative phosphorylation ‌(OXPHOS).⁤ Leukemia cells rely on OXPHOS ‌for energy, and ⁤inhibiting ‌this process can lead⁣ to their ​destruction.

Luo also found⁢ that leukemia cells that survive standard treatment with cytarabine‍ become ⁢more reliant on PI3Kgamma than they were before treatment. These⁢ surviving leukemia cells, which are responsible for AML⁣ relapse,⁣ could potentially be susceptible to combination therapy with⁣ eganelisib and cytarabine. < blockquote>

According to Luo, the goal is to create synergy between two drugs. He explains ⁤that eganelisib, by inhibiting ⁣PI3Kgamma,‍ can suppress an energy pathway⁢ that is important in AML relapse.

Now, the team is focused on creating clinical trials ‌for patients.

Lane ‍adds, “This research provides the scientific basis for clinical ⁢use and⁣ also helps us‍ understand how our discoveries can meet ⁤the needs of our patients. Dana-Farber is a unique place where we can seamlessly transition from ⁢molecular biology in ⁣the lab to ​testing in models⁢ using ⁣patient‌ samples, ‌and ‍then ‍quickly initiating a clinical ⁣trial.”