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HomeHealthBodyRevolutionizing Obesity Treatment: New Cell Technology Unlocks Secrets of 'Apple' Body Shapes...

Revolutionizing Obesity Treatment: New Cell Technology Unlocks Secrets of ‘Apple’ Body Shapes and Metabolic Health Risks

system function and metabolic regulation.⁤ Researchers from the University of Michigan​ have recently discovered a new ⁣type of cell in human omental adipose tissue that⁣ has the ability to ‌inhibit the formation of fat cells. This ‌finding sheds light on why individuals with an ​”apple” body shape,⁤ characterized by excess fat around the abdomen, may face ‍higher risks for metabolic health issues.

⁣The discovery ‌of these cells is important for‌ understanding the complexities of fat tissue and how it impacts overall health. ⁢The researchers believe that⁤ further ⁣study of these cells and ⁢their‌ functions could potentially‍ lead to new strategies for addressing obesity and related metabolic⁣ diseases. This could ultimately improve​ outcomes for‍ individuals ⁤with ⁤these⁣ conditions.

have conducted a study to investigate the⁣ regulation of adipogenesis and tissue regeneration.

When omental adipose tissue expands significantly, it is‌ associated with the ‍”apple” body shape and increases the risk for metabolic diseases. This⁣ expansion occurs mainly through the enlargement of existing cells (hypertrophy) rather than ‌the formation of new⁢ fat cells (adipogenesis), which⁤ can​ result in chronic ⁣inflammation​ and insulin resistance.

Despite calorie excess, omental ​fat ‌has limited capacity to form new fat cells, unlike‌ subcutaneous fat. This difference remains poorly understood. Professor⁤ Bart Deplanck and his team of scientists have now conducted a study to address this​ issue.Researchers‌ at EPFL have found a ‍group of cells in human omental adipose tissue⁤ that inhibits adipogenesis. This discovery, which was reported in Cell Metabolism, offers a‍ new perspective on the limited capacity of omental fat for ‍adipogenesis and has important implications for managing obesity.

The scientists ​used advanced single-cell RNA sequencing to examine cells from various human fat depots, ​separating different subpopulations of cells and testing their ability to undergo ‍adipogenesis. The study,​ which⁣ was backed by several medical institutions including the CHUV, included over thirty human⁤ donors ‌to carry out ‍a thorough comparison.The study revealed that there are distinct types of fat deposits in​ different locations. ⁢It also found a group of cells in​ the omental adipose tissue that ⁤could be the explanation for its unique properties. These cells, known as‌ mesothelial cells, typically form a protective layer⁣ in‌ certain body cavities. Some of these mesothelial cells surprisingly transformed into mesenchymal cells, which have the ability to develop into⁤ various types of cells, including fat cells. This transition between cellular ‍states may ⁣play a⁢ crucial role in⁣ how these cells⁢ affect the omental adipose tissue’s ⁤ability⁣ to produce fat.The research discovered that these‌ cells have mesenchymal-like properties that give them an ‍improved​ ability⁤ to control their microenvironment. This⁤ enables them ‌to regulate the expansion of adipose tissue. By transitioning between these two states, the⁣ cells can potentially impact the metabolic behavior of the omental fat depot, ⁤affecting its ability to‍ store fat without causing metabolic issues. Radiana Ferrero (EPFL), one of the main authors of the study, stated, “Importantly, we‌ also identified at least a ⁤portion of the ‍molecular mechanism through which this new omental cell ​population influences adipogenesis.”Specifically, the cells have high levels‍ of Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2 [IGFBP2], a protein that inhibits adipogenesis and is secreted in the⁤ cells’ microenvironment. This‍ ultimately affects specific receptors on nearby adipose stem and progenitor cells,‍ effectively stopping them from developing into mature ⁢fat cells.”

“These findings have significant⁢ implications for ​understanding ‍and ⁣potentially​ managing metabolically unhealthy ⁢obesity,” says Pernille Rainer (EPFL), another lead ‌researcher on the study. “Knowing that ‍omental fat has a built-in mechanism to limit fat cell formation ‌could lead to new treatments.The study found that ⁢it is possible to modulate the natural process of fat storage. Additionally, the research suggests ⁢that there⁣ could be targeted therapies‍ to control the behavior of⁤ specific fat depots.