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HomeLifestyle150 Spooktacularly Corny Halloween Jokes for All Ages to Enjoy This Haunted...

150 Spooktacularly Corny Halloween Jokes for All Ages to Enjoy This Haunted Season!


150 hilarious Halloween jokes for all ages to enjoy this spooky season

As autumn leaves begin to turn and a refreshing chill fills the air, it’s time to set up your spooky decorations and get your costumes ready. Don’t forget to prepare some tricks and treats – what would Halloween be without some hearty laughs?


If you’re looking for funny captions for your Instagram posts or just want to have some jokes ready for trick-or-treaters, we’ve compiled a fantastic collection of funny puns, one-liners, and knock-knock jokes for October that are sure to put a smile on your face this Halloween.

Witch Jokes for Halloween

  • What happened to the witch who misbehaved at school? She was ex-spelled.
  • Why don’t witches wear flat caps? No point in it.
  • What do you get when you combine a sorceress and a billionaire? A very witchy individual.
  • Why do witches ride broomsticks? Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy.
  • How is a witch similar to a candle? They are both wicked at their core.
  • Have you met the twin witches? I can’t distinguish between them!
  • What did the witch do when her broomstick broke? She witch-hiked back home.
  • What do witches spread on their bagels? Scream cheese.
  • What do you call two witches sharing a house? Broommates.
  • What is a witch’s favorite place at the beach? A sand-witch.
  • What do you learn in witch school? Spelling.
  • Why couldn’t the little witch read her spellbook? It was written in curse-ive.
  • What does a witch enjoy reading in the news? Her horror scope.
  • What sound does a witch’s cereal make? Snap, cackle, and pop.
  • Heard about the witch who became a millionaire? It was a rags-to-witches story.
  • How do witches enjoy loud music? On their broom boxes.
  • What does a young witch bake with? An easy-bake coven.
  • What do you call a witch’s tidy garage? A broom closet.
  • What do witches’ cats have for breakfast? Mice crispies.


Skeleton Jokes for Halloween

  • Why didn’t the skeleton join the party? He had nobody to dance with.
  • How did the skeleton know rain was coming? He felt it in his bones.
  • Why don’t skeletons play music in church? They lack any organs.
  • Why are skeletons so relaxed? Nothing gets under their skin.
  • What kind of art do skeletons appreciate? Skulltures.
  • What do skeletons say before their meals? “Bone appetite.”
  • What instruments do skeletons play? Trom-bone.
  • Why did the skeleton stop playing football? His heart wasn’t in it.
  • What did the skeleton say to his girlfriend? Will you marrow me?
  • Did you hear about the skeleton at the hospital? He ate a jawbreaker.
  • What do you give to a skeleton trick-or-treating? Spare ribs.
  • Why don’t skeletons go out in winter? The cold goes right through them.
  • How does an angry skeleton confront a friend? I’ve got a bone to pick with you!
  • Why did the skeleton climb the tree? A dog was after his bones.
  • Why didn’t the skeleton use a towel post-shower? He was already bone-dry.


Ghost Jokes for Halloween

  • What do ghosts serve as dessert? Ice scream.
  • What did they say about the girl who wed a ghost? I don’t know what possessed her!
  • What did the ghosts drink at their party? Ghoul-aid.
  • Who protects the shores of the spirit world? The Ghost Guard.
  • Why was the ghost arrested by the game warden? He didn’t possess a haunting license.
  • Who did the ghost invite to his party? Anyone he could dig up.
  • What’s a ghost’s preferred vacation destination? Lake Eerie.
  • What medicine do ghosts take for a cold? Coffin drops.
  • Why are ghosts so timid? They have no guts.
  • What’s a ghost’s favorite tune? America the Boo-tiful.
  • What is a ghost’s favorite type of road? A dead end.
  • What do baby ghosts enjoy drinking? Evaporated milk.
  • Why did the ghost cross the street? To reach “The Other Side.”
  • How do ghosts stay fit? They maintain regular exorcise.
  • What makes ghosts unpopular at parties? They aren’t much to look at.
  • What is a little ghost’s favorite toy? Boo-merangs.
  • What’s a ghost’s top fairytale? Sleeping Boo-ty.
  • What room won’t you find in a ghost’s home? A living room.
  • Why did the ghost see a doctor? To get a booster shot.
  • What did the ghost say when it tumbled down? I got a boo boo.
  • What kind of makeup do ghosts prefer? Ma-scare-a.
  • When do ghosts enjoy trick-or-treating? In the moaning.
  • How do ghosts apply their makeup? They use vanishing cream.
  • What occurs when a ghost gets lost in fog? He becomes mist.
  • Where do baby ghosts go while their parents are at work? Day-scare.
  • What’s a ghost’s favorite amusement ride? A roller ghost-er.
  • How does a ghost sneeze? Ah, ah, ah BOO!


Vampire Jokes for Halloween

    • What kind of lock does Dracula use? A dead bolt.
    • What soup does a vampire prefer? Scream of tomato.
    • What is a vampire’s favorite fruit? A blood orange.
    • Heard about the vampire who got glasses? He was blind as a bat.
    • Why did the vampire choose acting? He wanted a role to sink his teeth into.
    • What type of candy does a vampire like? A sucker.
    • Why did the vampire need mouthwash? He had bat breath.
    • How do vampires flirt? They flutter their eyelashes.
    • What song do vampires enjoy? Another one bites the dust.
    • What’s the experience of being kissed by a vampire? It’s quite a pain in the neck.
    • Why are vampires similar to dentures? They only come out at night.
    • What beverage do vampires prefer? A Bloody Mary.
    • What makes vampires easily deceived? They are born to be gullible.
    • Why do vampire families have such strong bonds? Because blood ties are stronger than other bonds.


Monster Jokes for Halloween

      • What snack do monsters enjoy? Ghoul Scout cookies.
      • Where do werewolves shop for Halloween candies? At the were-house.
      • How do monsters prefer their eggs? Terri-fried.
      • What happened at the werewolf party? It was a howling success.
      • What vehicle does Frankenstein drive? A monster truck.
      • What do mummies listen to during Halloween? Wrap music.
      • Why are mummy jokes not told often? They often get a bad rap.
      • What type of coffee do mummies drink? De-coffin-ated.
      • Why do mummies lack hobbies? They are too wrapped up in their work.
      • What’s a mummy’s preferred rock band? The Grateful Dead.
      • Why was the mummy imprisoned? He was involved in a pyramid scheme.
      • What card game do the deceased like to play? Gin Mummy.
      • Where do monsters enjoy hiking? Death Valley.
      • What kind of monster enjoys dancing? The boogeyman.
      • What’s the deal with a green monster? Wait until it’s ripe.
      • What do monsters put on their sandwiches? Ghoulslaw.
      • What’s a monster’s favorite play? Romeo and Ghouliet.


Zombie Jokes for Halloween

      • How do zombies contribute to their country? They serve in the Marine Corpse.
      • Who came out on top in the zombie war? No one, it ended in a dead tie!
      • Why did the zombie traverse the road? To have some chicken for dinner.
      • Where do zombies go on vacation? The Dead-iterranean Sea!
      • Why did the zombie skip breakfast? He didn’t want to be a cereal killer.
      • Why did the zombie visit the orthodontist? To get his bite improved.
      • How do zombies prepare for exams? They consume plenty of brain food.
      • What happens when you mix a zombie with a snowman? You get frostbite.
      • What do you need to become a zombie? Dead-ication.
      • What’s black, white, and lifeless all over? A zombie in formal wear.
      • Where is the safest spot during a zombie apocalypse? The living room.
      • What did the zombie say to his date? I admire women with brains.
      • How did the zombie approach his date? I’m dying to meet you.
      • Why are zombies never caught by the police? They can’t be taken alive.
      • What’s a sleepover for zombies called? A mass grave.
      • Why did the zombie munch on an archer? He was after the bone and marrow.
      • What’s a zombie’s favorite bean? A human bean.
      • What language do zombies love? Latin, since it’s a dead language.
      • What shampoo is preferred by zombies? Head and shoulders.
      • What’s the worst creature to encounter in a zombie apocalypse? A dead one.
      • A lawyer, a doctor, and a zombie walked into a bar. Three zombies walked out.


Pumpkin Jokes for Halloween

      • What happens if you drop a pumpkin? It becomes squash.
      • Where do pumpkins gather for meetings? In the gourdroom.
      • How do pumpkins enjoy music? On vine-yl records.
      • What’s a pumpkin’s sport of choice? Squash.
      • How do you refer to an athletic pumpkin? A jock-o-lantern.
      • How do you fix a broken jack-o-lantern? With a pumpkin patch.
      • How do you use a pumpkin in ghost summoning? With a Ouija gourd.
      • What did the pumpkin say to its carver? Stop cutting it out!
      • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite film? “Pulp Fiction.”
      • What do you call a pumpkin that works at the shore? A life gourd.
      • Who assisted the pumpkin in crossing the street? The crossing gourd.
      • Why did the jack-o-lantern have a poor memory? Because it was empty-headed!


Other Halloween-Related Jokes

      • Why did the scarecrow fail in comedy? His jokes were too corny.
      • Why did the scarecrow receive a Nobel Prize? He was outstanding in his area.
      • Who manages the haunted house for scarecrows? The first little pig.
      • What type of bear lacks teeth? A gummy bear.
      • What do you call a cow that can’t moo? A Milk Dud.
      • How do you refer to two married spiders? The newly webs.
      • What makes spiders good baseball players? They know how to catch flies.
      • What kind of television is found in a haunted house? A wide-scream TV.
      • Why is there a fence around the cemetery? Because everyone is dying to enter.
      • What do you call a sheep covered in chocolate? A candy baa.
      • Who oversees the candy corn? The kernel.

Halloween Knock-Knock Jokes

      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ivana. Ivana who? Ivana suck your blood.
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Fangs. Fangs who? Fangs for letting me in!
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Boo. Boo who? Don’t cry! Halloween is almost here.
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Philip. Philip who? Philip my bag with candy!
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Aida. Aida who? Aida lot of candy and now my stomach aches.
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Voodoo. Voodoo who? Voodoo you think you are?
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Diane. Diane who? Diane to meet you!
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Norway. Norway who? Norway I’m leaving without candy!
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Candy. Candy who? Candy cow jump over the moon?
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Handsome. Handsome who? Handsome candy, please!
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Eddie. Eddie who? Eddie body home? It’s Halloween!
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I didn’t mention zombie?
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Candy. Candy who? Can you open this door any slower?
      • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Al. Al who? Al trade you a Kit Kat for a Milky Way.