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HomeHealthAnti-Inflammatory Potential: Curbing Spread of Fungi Causing Blood Infections

Anti-Inflammatory Potential: Curbing Spread of Fungi Causing Blood Infections

immune systems, ⁢including those with blood cancers such as leukemia and ​lymphoma. The study, published in​ the journal⁤ Cell Host ⁤& Microbe, suggests that mesalamine could help prevent invasive candidiasis by promoting the growth ​of ‌beneficial ‌bacteria in the gut.

The⁤ researchers found that⁢ mesalamine⁤ inhibits the growth⁣ of‍ C. albicans in the gut, allowing good bacteria to thrive and keep‌ the fungus in check. This discovery could have important implications for ‌patients with compromised immune systems, as invasive candidiasis can be life-threatening. Mesalamine, which is commonly used to treat inflammatory bowel disease, may offer a⁤ new preventive​ approach for this ​vulnerable patient population.

According to the researchers, this specific type of‌ fungus cannot grow in an environment without oxygen. Their ‌research on​ mice demonstrated that the drug has the ability to maintain a‌ low oxygen environment, preventing the fungus from thriving in the gut. The study was published today in Cell ⁢Host & Microbe.

The team focused on examining ​how C. albicans colonizes the gut. This particular fungus, well-known for causing vaginal yeast infections, is typically treated with either a topical or oral ⁣antifungal and‌ does not usually lead to serious side effects.‍ It also coexists harmlessly in the gut of approximately ‍60% of individuals.

However, the⁤ team observed that when the antibiotics are used, it can result in the excessive growth of the fungus in the gut.The body’s immunity can decrease ⁤due to cancer or chemotherapy, allowing the fungus to ⁤grow beyond the colon and ⁢spread throughout the body, resulting in ⁤invasive candidiasis. According‍ to the study’s lead author, Andreas Bäumler, this ​potentially deadly infection​ has a mortality rate of around 50%, even with the best available treatment. Patients with leukemia and other blood cancers ‌may need to take antibiotics, which can disrupt the ‍balance of⁣ the gut’s community. It reduces ⁢Clostridia, a​ group of bacteria that promotes ⁣resistance to fungi colonization in the ⁣gut. With less Clostridia, C. albicans grows and colonizes in ⁢the tract.

“A bloom⁢ of C.​ albicansin the gut during antibiotic ⁢therapy is the⁤ most common cause of candidemia in people treated for blood cancers,” Bäumler explained. Candidemia is the presence​ of‌ fungi or ​yeast in‍ the blood.

Bäumler and his team wanted to understand the factors involved in antibiotic-induced colonization of ​C. albicans in the gut.

Candida loves‍ simple sugars and oxygen

They first colonized germ-free mice⁤ withThe‌ researchers ​conducted an​ experiment to determine what Candida ‌needed to grow. They found ‍that the⁣ fungus thrived on simple sugars, similar to‍ those found in high-sugar diets. When placed in a petri dish with these sugars ‍in an oxygen-rich environment, Candida grew rapidly. However, when the ‌test was repeated in ​a low oxygen environment, the fungus did ⁤not grow, indicating that oxygen is essential for its ‌growth.

The researchers also looked at the⁤ role of probiotics in preventing fungal growth. They conducted⁤ a series of experiments to investigate this further.The researchers conducted experiments that demonstrated the use of antibiotics decreased the presence of ‍Clostridia in the gut. ⁣When⁢ mice ⁤were ‍given probiotics, like Clostridia, it prevented C. albicans from growing in the gut. However, antibiotics and cancer therapy can ⁢kill​ probiotics. Due ‌to this,‌ probiotics would ​not be beneficial for patients with ⁤leukemia or other blood cancers.

“Probiotics are often not safe in patients at the highest risk for invasive candidiasis,” Bäumler said. ‍”Finding a therapy that ​can function like probiotics but can endure the impact of‌ cancer treatment ‍and antibiotics was important.”

Anti-inflammatory drugs as faux-biotics

The team​ explored5-aminosalicylic‍ acid (5-ASA), also known as mesalamine, is a safer way to control C. albicans in the gut. This anti-inflammatory drug is commonly used to treat inflammatory⁢ bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

In a study on mice treated with ​antibiotics,⁤ researchers found that 5-ASA could effectively replace the function of probiotics by preventing the expansion of ⁤oxygen and ⁣C. albicans in ⁤the colon.

According to ​Bäumler, “Limiting oxygen in⁢ the gut by ‍replacing the function of good bacteria could⁢ be a ⁤strategy for reducing invasive candidiasis.” This study ‍introduces a completely new treatment⁤ option for fatal infections.Fungal infections, particularly in‌ cancer‍ patients, may ​not be able to develop resistance to‌ hypoxia.

The team introduced the term⁤ “faux-biotics” to describe products like 5-ASA that imitate the⁣ function ‌of probiotics such ​as Clostridia.

The study’s first coauthors are Hannah Savage, Derek Bays,⁢ and Connor Tiffany.⁢ The other co-authors are Mariela Gonzalez,‌ Eli Bejarano, Thaynara Carvalho, ⁢Zheng Luo, Hugo Masson, Henry Nguyen, Renato Santos, Krystle Reagan, and George ⁢Thompson of UC Davis.