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HomeHealthPreventing Iron Deficiency in Obese Children: Importance and Strategies

Preventing Iron Deficiency in Obese Children: Importance and Strategies

A study by nutritional scientists at the University of Leeds found that children and young people who are overweight or obese have a much greater risk of iron deficiency. The researchers from the School of Food Science and Nutrition looked at numerous medical studies from 44 countries involving individuals under 25 years old, where levels of iron and other vitamins and minerals were measured alongside weight.Iron deficiency was found to be linked to both underweight and overweight children and adolescents. On the other hand, zinc and vitamin A deficiencies were only seen in undernourished children. This led researchers to believe that inflammation may be disrupting the mechanisms that regulate iron absorption in overweight children. The study, funded by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, is published in the journal BMJ Global Health. Iron deficiency in children has a detrimental impact on brain function.The impact of undernutrition on children’s development, including attention, concentration, and memory, can increase the likelihood of conditions like autism and ADHD. This issue is already acknowledged in adults with obesity, but this study is the first to examine the connection in children. Xiaomian Tan, the lead author and a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Leeds’ School of Food Science and Nutrition, stated that while the link between undernutrition and crucial micronutrients for childhood growth and development is well established, there is less understanding of the risk of deficiencies in iron, vitamin A, and zinc in children and adolescents.The issue of hidden hunger affects children who are overweight or obese, which is a lesser-known form of malnutrition. According to researchers, the high prevalence of obesity in children makes this research crucial. They hope that raising awareness of this problem among healthcare providers will lead to improvements in clinical practice and care. Hidden hunger has historically been associated with malnutrition and is a major concern in lower- and middle-income countries where hunger is a leading cause of death among young children. However, there is growing recognition that vitamin and mineral deficiencies can also be a contributing factor.In individuals who are carrying excess weight and are consuming a diet low in nutrients but high in calories, a condition known as ‘hidden hunger’ has been observed.

In wealthy nations, this is linked to highly processed foods that are rich in fat, sugar, salt, and calories. However, in poorer countries, obesity is often linked to poverty and monotonous diets that offer limited options such as corn, wheat, rice, and potatoes.

Many developing countries are now dealing with the challenge of both malnutrition and overnutrition due to the rapid rise in global obesity rates.In recent years, there has been an increase in the prevalence of malnutrition, especially among children aged five to 19. The research also emphasizes the differences in focus between higher income countries and developing nations. Most studies in Africa and Asia focus on undernutrition, while those in North America and Europe focus on overnutrition. This is particularly concerning because Africa and Asia are experiencing the highest double burden of malnutrition due to economic growth and the transition to a western-style high-sugar, high-fat diet. Between 2000 and 2017, there has been a significant increase in malnutrition.children are overweight, and one in five children are already obese. This is a concerning trend that needs to be addressed as childhood obesity can lead to serious health issues later in life.” Bernadette Moore, a professor of Nutritional Sciences at Leeds’ School of Food Science and Nutrition, emphasized the importance of addressing the issue of malnutrition and its impact on child health.children are struggling with excessive weight or obesity, and our findings indicate that inflammation can still lead to iron deficiency in overweight children.

“Iron levels may serve as a warning sign, but the main concern is that ongoing inflammation can result in heart disease, diabetes, and fatty liver.”

Evidence has demonstrated that increasing physical activity and enhancing diet can lower inflammation and enhance iron levels in children. The researchers are urging additional investigations into the effectiveness of these interventions.

They also argue that further research is necessary on micronutrient deficiencies and the simultaneous occurrence of multiple deficiencies in children.The challenge of malnutrition and overnutrition is prevalent in countries where data gaps currently exist.