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HomeHealthDNARevolutionary CRISPR-Cas9 Technology: Targeting Complex Diseases with Precision

Revolutionary CRISPR-Cas9 Technology: Targeting Complex Diseases with Precision

Current methods for modeling ⁢or correcting mutations in live cells⁣ are not very effective, especially ⁣when it⁣ comes to multiplexing – making multiple point mutations simultaneously across the genome. However, ‍researchers have​ created new, effective genome editing tools known as multiplexed orthogonal base editors ‍(MOBEs) ‍that can be used to simultaneously make multiple point mutations. ​ ⁣

The human genome is made up of‍ approximately 3 billion base pairs, and despite ‍this large number, humans are 99.6% identical in terms of their genetic makeup. The remaining 0.4% accounts for the differences between individuals. Specific⁤ combinations ⁢of mutations in these base pairs provide important information about the differences and similarities between ‌people.Complex health issues, such as heart ​disease and neurodegenerative diseases like schizophrenia, have various causes. Current techniques for modeling or repairing mutations‍ in living ‌cells are not very ‌effective, particularly when it comes to multiplexing – making multiple‍ point mutations simultaneously across the​ entire genome. A team of researchers from the University of California San Diego has created new genome editing tools known as multiplexed orthogonal base editors‍ (MOBEs) to efficiently introduce⁤ multiple point mutations at the same time. This work,⁢ led by Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Alexis Komor’s lab, is‌ featured in Nature Biotechnology.

Komor’s team focused on comparing genomes with⁤ single letter changes in the‍ DNA, also known ‍as‍ C (cytosine), T (thymine), G (guanine), ⁣A (adenosine) bases. These single nucleotide variants (SNVs) or single point mutations can result in 4-5 million variants in a person. Some of these variants are harmless, ⁣while others can be harmful, and it’s often a combination of variants that leads to disease.

Using the ​genome in disease modeling presents a challenge due to ⁣the large number‍ of possible variations. Scientists need to identify which variants ⁤contribute to specific diseases.

If⁢ specific genetic mutations were​ found to be the cause of​ heart disease, researchers could analyze the genetic makeup of a group of individuals all affected by​ heart disease. However, the vast number of differences​ between ⁤any two people makes it incredibly challenging to⁤ determine which specific combination of variations contributes to the disease.

“The interpretation of genetic variations poses a significant challenge.​ In fact, the majority of identified​ variants are not clinically classified, so we lack understanding of whether they are disease-causing or harmless,” explained Quinn T. Cowan, a recent Ph.D. graduate​ from the university’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the primary author of the study. “Our objective was to develop a tool specifically designed for ‍disease​ assessment.”

An advancement in gene-editing

In order to comprehend the purpose behind the development of MOBEs, it is important to recognize the limitations of the conventional gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9. CRISPR-Cas9 utilizes ​a guide RNA, which functions as a GPS signal directing it ⁢to the specific genomic location that needs‍ to be edited. ‌Cas9 ​is the DNA-binding enzyme that cuts both strands of the DNA, resulting in a ⁤complete break.

Although the process is relatively‌ simple, double-stranded breaks​ can be harmful to cells. This type of gene ⁢editing can be toxic, which is why MOBEs were created. These⁤ MOBEs‍ allow for the study of multiple variants in⁤ a controlled laboratory setting.

The process of editing using CRISPR-Cas9 can ⁢result in⁤ indels, ‍which are random insertions and deletions in the DNA where the cell is unable to repair itself perfectly. Editing multiple genes using‍ CRISPR-Cas9 increases the potential risks associated with this technique. Instead of using CRISPR, the lab of Komor utilizes a base-editing method ‌that ​she developed. This technique induces a chemical alteration to the ‍DNA, allowing for the modification of a single letter at a time, such as changing a C to a T or ⁣an A to a G. Unlike the CRISPR method, ⁣which cuts out an ​entire section of DNA at once, base-editing erases and replaces one letter at a time. Although this approach is slower, it is more efficient and poses less harm to the cells. By applying two or⁤ more base editors simultaneously, the ‌potential⁤ exists ⁤for even greater efficiency.The ability to make precise⁣ changes to the DNA‌ (such as ⁣changing a C to T at one ‌location, and an A to G at another ⁣location in the genome) allows for better understanding and modeling of polygenic diseases ‍– those caused by more than one genetic variant. However, until now, there‍ hasn’t‍ been a technology that could do this‌ efficiently without guide RNA ‌”crosstalk,” which occurs when base ‍editors make unwanted changes.

Cowan’s MOBEs use RNA structures known as aptamers — small RNA loops‌ that ‍bind to specific proteins — to recruit base-modifying enzymes to specific genomic locations, enabling simultaneous editing of multiple sites with high ‍efficiency and a⁢ lower incidence of crosstalk.

This system is ​innovative and unique.This is the first instance ⁢where aptamers were utilized to combine ABEs (adenosine base⁣ editors) and CBEs (cytosine base ⁣editors) in ​an independent manner to create MOBEs. The differences are significant: when CBE and ABE are administered together without using MOBE, ‍crosstalk occurs ⁣up to 30% of the time. With MOBE, crosstalk⁤ is less than 5%, while achieving 30% conversion efficiency of the desired base changes. The research served as a proof ‍of concept to assess the potential of the MOBE​ system, which​ has been provisionally patented. To further‌ test them, the team conducted various case studies with real-life applications.l diseases, such ⁤as Kallmann syndrome,⁤ a rare hormonal ‍disorder. Their studies showed that​ MOBE systems could effectively edit specific cell lines related to certain polygenic diseases.

“We ​are⁢ currently in the ⁢process of making the plasmids available on AddGene‌ so that⁣ anyone can access them freely. ​Our goal is for ⁢other ‍scientists to use the MOBEs⁣ to simulate genetic diseases, understand their symptoms, and ultimately‌ develop effective treatments,” Cowan explained.

This study received funding from the National Institutes of Health (1R35GM138317, T32 GM008326, ⁤and T32 GM112584) and the Research Corporation for Science Advancement (28385).