

First-Ever Discovery of a Human Odorant Receptor for Geosmin Unveiled

Geosmin is a volatile compound of microbial origin with a distinct 'earthy' to 'musty' odor that can affect the quality of water and food. A research team has now identified and characterized the human odorant receptor for geosmin for the first time. Geosmin is a volatile compound of microbial origin with a distinct "earthy" to

Revolutionizing Drug Screening: The Power of Electrical Impedance Tomography for Extracellular Voltage Activation

Recently, researchers developed a non-invasive method combining electrical impedance tomography and extracellular voltage activation to evaluate drug effects on ion channels. The resulting printed circuit board sensor allows real-time monitoring of how newly developed drugs can affect ion flow in channels, providing a cost-effective and accurate alternative to traditional methods like patch-clamp techniques and paving

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First-Ever Discovery of a Human Odorant Receptor for Geosmin Unveiled

Geosmin is a volatile compound of microbial origin with a distinct 'earthy' to 'musty' odor that can affect the quality of water and food. A research team has now identified and characterized the human odorant receptor for geosmin for the first time. Geosmin is a volatile compound of microbial origin with a distinct "earthy" to

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First-Ever Discovery of a Human Odorant Receptor for Geosmin Unveiled

Geosmin is a volatile compound of microbial origin with a distinct 'earthy' to 'musty' odor that can affect the quality of water and food. A research team has now identified and characterized the human odorant receptor for geosmin for the first time. Geosmin is a volatile compound of microbial origin with a distinct "earthy" to

Revolutionary Nanosensing Method Enhances Quality Control of Viral Vectors in Gene Therapy

Researchers develop a nanosensing platform that can assess the quality of individual viral vector particles Viral vectors hold much potential for gene editing and gene therapy, but there is a pressing need to develop quality control methods to minimize potential side effects on patients. Addressing this, researchers from Japan developed a nanosensing-based approach that can

Revolutionizing Drug Screening: The Power of Electrical Impedance Tomography for Extracellular Voltage Activation

Recently, researchers developed a non-invasive method combining electrical impedance tomography and extracellular voltage activation to evaluate drug effects on ion channels. The resulting printed circuit board sensor allows real-time monitoring of how newly developed drugs can affect ion flow in channels, providing a cost-effective and accurate alternative to traditional methods like patch-clamp techniques and paving

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Uncovering Internal World Models: Humans, Animals, and AI Explained

Researchers have developed a new formal description of internal world models, thereby enabling interdisciplinary research. Internal world models help to make predictions about new situations based on previous experience and to help find one's bearings. The new formalized view helps to compare world models of humans, animals and AI and to eliminate deficits. A team

New Study Reveals Breakthrough in Addressing Genetic Diversity Bias

Scientists have generated a new catalog of human gene expression data from around the world to address how most research in human genetics has historically focused on people of European ancestries -- a bias that may limit the accuracy of scientific predictions for people from other populations. Most research in human genetics has historically focused

Revolutionizing Epigenetics: CoRSIVs Discovered in Cattle, Not Just Humans

A study opens new possibilities to improve production efficiency in the cattle industry and potentially animal agriculture more broadly. A study published in Genome Biology opens new possibilities to improve production efficiency in the cattle industry and potentially animal agriculture more broadly. A team of researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, Cornell University and the

Uncovering the Key Driver for Epithelial Cancer Development: A Breakthrough Discovery

A distinct signaling pathway called TNF- drives the transformation of epithelial cells into aggressive tumor cells. During cancer progression, cells activate their own TNF- program and become invasive. This finding could help to improve early detection and treatment of patients with cancers in skin, esophagus, bladder or colon. How does a normal cell in the

Genome recording makes living cells their own historians

Genomes can now be used to store information about a variety of transient biological events inside of living cells, as they happen, like a flight recorder collecting data from an aircraft. The method, called ENGRAM, aims to turn cells into their own historians. ENGRAM couples each kind of biological signal or event inside a cell

Uncovering the Impact of Persistent Proteins on Metabolomics: New Study Results

Scientists have identified more than 1,000 previously undetected proteins in common metabolite samples, which persist despite extraction methods designed to weed them out. The findings give scientists new insights and tools for improving future metabolomics experiments, including a novel protocol for removing these proteins during the extraction process. The study does not invalidate prior results

Unlocking the Link: Ancient Viruses and Modern-Day Cancers – Investigating the Connection

The human genome is filled with flecks of DNA left behind by viruses that infected primate ancestors tens of millions of years ago. Scientists used to think they were harmless, but new research shows that, when reawakened, they help cancer survive and thrive. Peek inside the human genome and, among the 20,000 or so genes

Enzyme-Powered ‘Snot Bots’: Delivering Drugs in Sticky Situations

Snot might not be the first place you'd expect nanobots to be swimming around. But this slimy secretion exists in more places than just your nose and piles of dirty tissues -- it also lines and helps protect the lungs, stomach, intestines and eyes. And now, researchers have demonstrated in mice that their tiny, enzyme-powered

Breakthrough HIV-1 Treatment from Llamas: Deactivating Wide Range of Strains | Novel Antibody Discovery

Biology researchers have developed a new antibody therapy that can neutralize a wide variety of HIV-1 strains. They found success in an unlikely source -- llamas. A research team at Georgia State University has developed tiny, potent molecules that are capable of targeting hidden strains of HIV. The source? Antibody genes from llama DNA. The

Safer Opioid Design: Enhancing Safety and Efficacy

Opioid medications offer people relief from debilitating pain, but these drugs come with dangers: the risk for addiction, miserable withdrawal symptoms and the potential for fatal overdose. Researchers have now identified a strategy to design safer opioids. They showed that an experimental opioid, which binds to an unconventional spot in the receptor, suppresses pain in

Unlocking The Disease Discovery Pipeline: Sacrificing Virus Data For Progress

Tens of millions of still-unknown or misunderstood viruses can cause diseases -- including new pandemics -- and affect the health of valuable terrestrial and marine environments. Now a new pipeline to investigate the 'virosphere,' or all the genomes of viruses and bacteriophages (viruses that attack bacteria) of the world, has been developed by an international

Paleolithic Diet Risks: What You Need to Know

High-protein diets, known as 'Paleolithic diets', are popular. Using mouse models, scientists have studied their impact. While effective in regulating weight and stabilizing diabetes, these diets are not without risks. Excess protein greatly increases ammonium production, overwhelming the liver. Excess ammonium can cause neurological disorders and, in severe cases, lead to coma. These results suggest