

Enhancing Quantum Networks with Stabilizing Bridges

While entangled photons hold incredible promise for quantum computing and communications, they have a major inherent disadvantage. After one use, they simply disappear. In a new study physicists propose a new strategy to maintain communications in a constantly changing, unpredictable quantum network. By rebuilding these disappearing connections, the researchers found the network eventually settles into

Revolutionary Tool Transforms Phylogenomic Studies by Analyzing Complete Genomes

Electrical engineers have developed a better way to perform the comparative analysis of entire genomes. This approach can be used to study relationships between different species across geological time scales. This new approach is poised to unlock discoveries regarding how evolution has shaped present-day genomes and also how the tree of life is organized. Researchers

Enhancing Quantum Networks with Stabilizing Bridges

While entangled photons hold incredible promise for quantum computing and communications, they have a major inherent disadvantage. After one use, they simply disappear. In a new study physicists propose a new strategy to maintain communications in a constantly changing, unpredictable quantum network. By rebuilding these disappearing connections, the researchers found the network eventually settles into

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Enhancing Quantum Networks with Stabilizing Bridges

While entangled photons hold incredible promise for quantum computing and communications, they have a major inherent disadvantage. After one use, they simply disappear. In a new study physicists propose a new strategy to maintain communications in a constantly changing, unpredictable quantum network. By rebuilding these disappearing connections, the researchers found the network eventually settles into

Accelerating the Discovery of Superior Photovoltaic Materials Through AI Innovations

Perovskite solar cells are a flexible and sustainable alternative to conventional silicon-based solar cells. Researchers were able to find -- within only a few weeks -- new organic molecules that increase the efficiency of perovskite solar cells. The team used a clever combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated high-throughput synthesis. Their strategy can also

Revolutionary Tool Transforms Phylogenomic Studies by Analyzing Complete Genomes

Electrical engineers have developed a better way to perform the comparative analysis of entire genomes. This approach can be used to study relationships between different species across geological time scales. This new approach is poised to unlock discoveries regarding how evolution has shaped present-day genomes and also how the tree of life is organized. Researchers

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Quantum Innovators: A Stark Awakening in the World of Physics

Researchers have developed a method to model a central theory of quantum gravity in the laboratory. Their goal: to decipher previously unexplained phenomena in the quantum world. Gravity is no longer a mystery to physicists -- at least when it comes to large distances: thanks to science, we can calculate the orbits of planets, predict

Liquid Crystals in Motion: Nature’s Dance Inspired by Innovative Technology

Under the right conditions, liquid crystals condense into astonishing structures, spontaneously generating filaments and flattened discs that can transport material from one place to another, much like complex biological systems. The insight may lead to self-assembling materials, new ways to model cellular activity and more. Liquid crystals are all around us, from cell phone screens

Unlocking the Secrets of Crystal Palace: Recent Discoveries Revealed

New research has solved the mystery of how the Crystal Palace in London, which at the time was the world's largest building, was constructed in only 190 days and completed just in time for the start of the Great Exhibition of 1851. The study has discovered that the Crystal Palace was the first building known

Unraveling the Mysteries of Superconducting Disorder

The importance of disorder in physics is only matched by the difficulty to study it. For example, the remarkable properties of high-temperature superconductors are greatly affected by variations in the chemical composition of the solid. Techniques that enable measurements of such disorder and its impact on the electronic properties, such as scanning tunnelling microscopy, work

Harnessing Magnetic Whirls for Energy-Efficient Computing

Researchers have managed to enhance the framework of Brownian reservoir computing by recording and transferring hand gestures to the system which then used skyrmions to detect these individual gestures. Researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have managed to enhance the framework of Brownian reservoir computing by recording and transferring hand gestures to the system

Study Reveals Contrail Avoidance May Have Less Climate Impact Than Earlier Believed

A new study allays fears that rerouting flights to avoid forming climate-warming contrails could result in inadvertently making climate warming worse. A new study allays fears that rerouting flights to avoid forming climate-warming contrails could result in inadvertently making climate warming worse. Researchers from Sorbonne Universite and the University of Reading found that for most

Unraveling the Cosmos: How Early Dark Energy Might Solve Key Mysteries of the Universe

Physicists propose that a mysterious force known as early dark energy could solve two of the biggest puzzles in cosmology and fill in some major gaps in our understanding of how the early universe evolved. A new study by MIT physicists proposes that a mysterious force known as early dark energy could solve two of

Harnessing Molecular Transformations for Enhanced Efficiency in Organic Solar Cells

Researchers have designed and synthesized a new organic semiconductor for organic solar cells (OSCs). By adding specific side units to their structure, they achieved separation between the frontier molecular orbitals, leading to lower exciton binding energy and increased power conversion efficiency. This tuning of the design of an acceptor component is expected to increase the

The Impact of Urban Heating and Cooling on Future Energy Needs in a Changing Climate

Existing global energy projections underestimate the impact of climate change on urban heating and cooling systems by roughly 50% by 2099 if greenhouse gas emissions remain high, researchers report. This disparity could profoundly affect critical sustainable energy planning for the future. Existing global energy projections underestimate the impact of climate change on urban heating and

Revolutionary Approach Sheds Light on Protein-DNA Binding Without Misinterpretation

Spike-in normalization helps molecular biologists ensure the accuracy of their results, but the technique is easily misused. New study suggests new guidelines for use of this valuable technique. Researchers at University of California San Diego have published new guidelines that could help scientists significantly improve their results when quantifying the interactions between DNA and proteins.

Floodplain Expansion: Over Two Million Acres Transformed in U.S. Over Two Decades

A nationwide analysis of community-level floodplain development found that over two-million acres of floodplain were developed over the past two decades across the United States, with roughly half of all new floodplain housing built in Florida. A nationwide analysis of community-level floodplain development found that over two-million acres of floodplain were developed over the past

Massive Collection of Gamma-Ray Bursts Surpasses 250-Year-Old Messier Catalog

Hundreds of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been recorded as part of an enormous global effort so extensive it 'rivals the catalog of deep-sky objects created by Messier 250 years ago', astronomers say. GRBs are the most violent explosions in the Universe, releasing more energy than the Sun would in 10 billion years. They occur when