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HomeLocalExpert Solutions to Banish Motion Sickness

Expert Solutions to Banish Motion Sickness


Expert Advice on Dealing with Motion Sickness

Whether you’re in a car, traveling by train, or on a boat, motion sickness can be quite unpleasant.


Motion sickness occurs due to a “conflict between different sensory systems,” explains Dr. Desi Schoo, MD, who works at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center in Otolaryngology.

Your body’s sensory organs communicate with the brain to help maintain balance. However, motion sickness happens when “the brain struggles to process and manage these various signals,” according to Dr. Schoo.

If you frequently deal with motion sickness, consider these expert-recommended strategies to help alleviate your symptoms.


Tips to Combat Motion Sickness

To alleviate motion sickness, steer clear of environments where you’re likely to feel ill. For instance, Dr. Schoo notes that “people can often feel more motion sickness while seated in the back of a car. Choosing to sit in the front seat or even driving may reduce discomfort.”


Over-the-counter options like Dramamine, Benadryl, and meclizine can help ease motion sickness, as indicated by Healthline. However, keep in mind these medications may cause drowsiness.


The CDC also suggests other strategies that could help minimize motion sickness symptoms:

  • Stay hydrated and cut down on caffeine and alcohol
  • Avoid smoking
  • Ensure you get adequate sleep
  • Use distractions like aromatherapy, controlled breathing, or listening to music


Can You Overcome Motion Sickness?

While completely overcoming motion sickness may be difficult, a study showed that habituation therapy can effectively lessen severe motion sickness symptoms.

Habituation involves “gradually exposing yourself to the motion that causes nausea,” explains Dr. Schoo. The aim is to introduce the motion that’s causing the distress and to gradually reduce symptoms.

“The objective is to help the brain adapt to the sensory conflict and eventually begin to disregard it,” says Dr. Schoo.

Duration of Motion Sickness

“Usually, I expect motion sickness to be temporary,” Dr. Schoo comments. The feeling “should fade quickly once the triggering activity stops.”


However, “some individuals report lingering dizziness or nausea that can last for hours after a car ride,” warns Dr. Schoo. “In such cases, [persistent] symptoms should raise concern.”

Dr. Schoo emphasizes the importance of seeking medical help if you experience alarming and lasting symptoms such as “severe dizziness, imbalance, or ongoing nausea and vomiting.” These symptoms are “uncommon” for motion sickness and may signal a more serious issue, he cautions.

While rare, certain strokes can manifest as intense dizziness, nausea, vertigo, and the sensation of spinning, notes Dr. Schoo.