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HomeHealthFamily and Media Pressure in Adolescence Impact Self-Worth: Long-Term Effects of Weight...

Family and Media Pressure in Adolescence Impact Self-Worth: Long-Term Effects of Weight Loss Pressure

The University of Bristol led a study that found people who were pressured to lose weight during their teenage years by family or the media, as well as females, non-heterosexual individuals, and those facing socioeconomic challenges are at the highest risk of internalized weight stigma. The research is published in The Lancet Regional Health Europe.5 April].

When individuals apply negative stereotypes related to obesity to themselves, it is known as ‘internalised’ weight stigma. This may include believing that they are less attractive, less competent, or less valuable as a person because of their weight. A study using a large UK sample has, for the first time, examined who is most at risk of experiencing this type of stigma.

Approximately one in four people in England are living with obesity, yet it is highly stigmatised. Negative stereotypes related to obesity and weight-related discrimination are prevalent in society. The experience of weight stigma is a significant public health concern: individuals affected by it are more likely to face health to experience mental health issues, eating disorders, and delay seeking medical treatment. However, there is limited knowledge about which specific population groups are more likely to internalize weight stigma, as previous studies have only looked at small and nonrepresentative samples.

This new study used data from Bristol’s Children of the 90s, also known as the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, to investigate the differences in internalized weight stigma among over 4,000 individuals aged 31. The study looked at factors such as sex, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and family and social influences during childhood and adolescence.

The research revealed that women and individuals from minority ethnic groups were more likely to internalize weight stigma. Additionally, those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds and those who experienced negative family and social influences during childhood and adolescence were also at higher risk.Pressure from family to lose weight, being teased about weight by family members, and feeling pressure from the media to lose weight during teenage years were all associated with higher levels of internalized weight stigma at age 31. This was not due to differences in body mass index (BMI). Experiencing bullying during adolescence (at age 17) and adulthood (at age 23) were also independently linked to internalized weight stigma at age 31.

The study also revealed clear differences in internalized weight stigma among various population groups, which were not explained by BMI differences. Females and people who did not conform to traditional gender norms experienced higher levels of internalized weight stigma.Individuals who don’t identify as heterosexual face a higher risk of internalizing weight stigma. Additionally, those who spent more time as NEETs in their 20s, or had mothers with lower educational qualifications, are also at greater risk of internalized weight stigma. Dr. Amanda Hughes, a Research Fellow at the Bristol Medical School, noted that the family environment during adolescence, bullying, and societal pressure to lose weight can have lasting effects on how individuals perceive their own value based on their weight as adults. This presents an opportunity to mitigate weight stigma.The way we talk about weight in the media, public spaces, and families, as well as how we address bullying in schools, workplaces, and other settings, can have a significant impact on weight stigma and its effects.

“This is important given the prevalence of pressure to lose weight and weight-related bullying, stigma, and discrimination in numerous cultures worldwide.”

The researchers intend to further investigate the psychological processes through which these social factors may contribute to internalized weight stigma.