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HomeLocalHalle Berry Pursues Exclusive Custody of Son Amid Co-Parenting Struggles with Ex-Husband

Halle Berry Pursues Exclusive Custody of Son Amid Co-Parenting Struggles with Ex-Husband


Halle Berry demands sole custody of son, alleges ex-husband ‘won’t co-parent’: Reports

Reports indicate that Halle Berry is requesting full custody of her son with Olivier Martinez, claiming that her ex-husband has been uncooperative in their co-parenting arrangement.


Berry, who has a 10-year-old son named Maceo with Martinez, filed for sole legal custody in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Friday, as reported by People magazine and Fox News. If she cannot gain sole custody, she is seeking “tie-breaking authority to make all decisions” regarding Maceo’s education, health, and therapy, according to People.

YSL News has contacted representatives for both Berry and Martinez to get their comments.


Berry and Martinez were married in July 2013 and welcomed their son Maceo during the same year. They initiated divorce proceedings in October 2015, which concluded in August 2023.


According to their divorce settlement, the former couple agreed to share both legal and physical custody of Maceo. Berry also consented to pay Martinez $8,000 monthly in child support and 4.3% of her income exceeding $2 million.

In her latest legal action, Berry accuses Martinez of being “oppositional” and “unyielding” as a co-parent. She stated that his conduct has adversely affected Maceo’s academic progress and has strained their relationship.


Halle Berry claims her son ‘acts out’ after time with Olivier Martinez


In her complaint, Berry alleges that Martinez prioritizes Maceo’s soccer activities over his “educational and psychological well-being” and disrupts “strategies and interventions to assist” him, according to reports from People and Fox News. Under their custody agreement, Berry is responsible for Maceo’s private school tuition, extracurricular activities, health insurance, and therapy.

Because of this, Berry claims that Maceo’s “educational and behavioral challenges have worsened, making it increasingly difficult for him in school.”


Moreover, Berry suggests that Maceo tends to “act out” towards her after longer visits with Martinez, including echoing arguments that she and Martinez had privately.

The custody arrangement they agreed upon states that both Berry and Martinez must refrain from speaking negatively, disrespectfully, or disparagingly about one another in front of Maceo or where he can hear them.

“Before therapy, Maceo would often echo disputes that (Berry and Martinez) had privately—even those that (Berry) did not discuss with him—generally siding with (Martinez) or telling (Berry) how he and (Martinez) would resolve the situation, completely ignoring (Berry’s) authority and input as a parent,” the complaint states, as reported by Fox News.



The “Catwoman” actress argues that Martinez’s “actions and lack of cooperation regarding Maceo’s psychological and educational needs have harmed Maceo’s health and welfare.”

According to Berry’s complaint, Martinez “refuses to co-parent or communicate in a child-centered manner, which obstructs getting Maceo the help he requires.” She claims that by withholding consent and avoiding discussions, Martinez has effectively assumed sole decision-making authority, breaching their original agreement.

A lawyer representing Martinez stated that he intends to address Berry’s allegations in the near future.