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HomeDiseaseCognitiveRevolutionizing Neuroprosthetics: Graphene-Derived Material Enhances Performance

Revolutionizing Neuroprosthetics: Graphene-Derived Material Enhances Performance

Neuroprostheses help individuals who have nerve damage connect with mechanical devices that replace paralyzed or amputated limbs. A recent study using EGNITE, a material derived from graphene, has shown that smaller electrodes can be created, improving the interactions with nerves and enhancing the effectiveness of prosthetic devices.

Neuroprostheses enable patients with nerve injuries to connect with artificial limbs. A study conducted by the UAB Institut de Neurociències and the l’Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2) has demonstrated in animal models how EGNITE, a derivative of graphene, can create smaller electrodes that interact more selectively with nerves, improving the effectiveness of prosthetic devices. The study also confirmed the biocompatibility of EGNITE, ensuring safe implantation.

After an amputation or nerve injury, patients experience loss of movement and sensation in the affected limb, reducing their independence in daily activities. Neuroprostheses, which are electrodes that stimulate nerves to generate sensations and record motor signals for bionic prosthesis control, offer the only solution to restore lost functions.

Effective neuroprostheses require small electrodes that can selectively interact with a limited number of nerve axons. Traditional materials like gold, platinum, or iridium oxide have limitations, driving the need for materials with better conductivity and smaller electrode sizes, such as graphene derivatives. These materials have outstanding electrical properties that enable the development of advanced microelectrodes.

A study led by the UAB Institut de Neurociències (INc-UAB) examined the capabilities of EGNITE, a graphene-derived material, to stimulate and record signals from peripheral nerves. The material’s biocompatibility has also been confirmed, ensuring prolonged interface functionality. The research, conducted by the Neuroplasticity and Regeneration group of the INc-UAB under Professor Xavier Navarro, collaborated with Jose Garrido’s team at ICN2, who developed EGNITE and the neural interfaces.

In experiments with rat sciatic nerves, EGNITE electrodes effectively induced muscle activation for up to 60 days, requiring less electrical current than larger metal electrodes. According to Bruno Rodríguez-Meana, a postdoctoral researcher at INc-UAB and lead author of the study, the biocompatibility of EGNITE electrodes was evident as no functional impairments or excessive inflammation were observed.

“Future steps involve optimizing EGNITE-based technology for pre-clinical studies on vagus nerve or spinal cord stimulation systems, towards its eventual clinical application in bioelectronic medicine,” Professor Navarro stated.

These findings highlight the promise of graphene-derived materials in enhancing neuroprostheses, offering patients the opportunity to regain lost functionalities and improve their quality of life.