Transforming Spaces: How a Mobile 3D Printer is Revolutionizing Room Customization

Researchers created MobiPrint, a mobile 3D printer that can automatically measure a room and print objects onto the floor. The team's graphic interface lets users design objects in a space that the robot has mapped out. The prototype, which the team built on a modified consumer vacuum robot, can add a range of objects to
HomeTechnologyTransforming Spaces: How a Mobile 3D Printer is Revolutionizing Room Customization

Transforming Spaces: How a Mobile 3D Printer is Revolutionizing Room Customization

Researchers have developed MobiPrint, a mobile 3D printer capable of autonomously measuring indoor spaces and printing objects directly onto floors. The user-friendly graphic interface allows individuals to design items within an area that the robot has previously mapped. This prototype was created by modifying a standard vacuum robot, enabling it to add a variety of objects to interior spaces.

Modern 3D printers can easily produce items like a chess set, but they are generally stationary. This presents challenges for those wishing to incorporate 3D-printed features into a room, such as adding a footrest under a desk. Measuring the space becomes necessary, and the objects must be scaled, printed separately, and then placed accurately in their intended locations. Although handheld 3D printers are available, they often lack precision and have a steep learning curve.

At the University of Washington, researchers have introduced MobiPrint (, a mobile 3D printer that autonomously assesses a room and generates objects right on its floor. The intuitive interface allows users to craft designs for spaces that the robot has already mapped out. Built on a modified consumer vacuum robot, the prototype offers enhancements for accessibility, personalized home improvements, or artistic designs in a room.

The research team showcased their project on Tuesday, Oct. 15, at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology in Pittsburgh.

“Digital fabrication technologies like 3D printing are well-established now,” explained Daniel Campos Zamora, a PhD student at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. “We are now focusing on how to extend this technology into everyday life and make it more accessible. How can we modify spaces to cater to individual needs—be it accessibility or personal style?”

MobiPrint can even create accessibility features such as tactile markers to assist visually impaired individuals. These features might offer directional information, like guiding conference attendees, or alerting to potential hazards such as stairs. Additionally, it can provide ramps to bridge uneven flooring surfaces. Users can also design customized items like small sculptures up to three inches tall.

Before an object is printed, MobiPrint navigates through an interior space to gather data using LiDAR technology for mapping. This mapping is then transformed into an interactive design canvas. Users can choose a model from the MobiPrint library—like a cat food bowl—or upload their own design. Once a location is selected on the map, users can utilize the design interface to adjust the size and placement, after which the robot travels to that spot and creates the object directly on the floor.

Currently, MobiPrint uses a biodegradable plastic called PLA, commonly used in 3D printing. The research team is exploring the capability for MobiPrint to remove and potentially recycle the objects it creates. They are also considering applications for robots that could print on various surfaces (such as walls or tables), in different settings (like outdoor areas), and with diverse materials (including concrete).

“I envision children riding bikes or friends and family members in wheelchairs reaching the end of a sidewalk without a curb,” remarked Jon E. Froehlich, a professor at the Allen School. “It would be incredible if, in the future, we could deploy Daniel’s robot on the street to build a ramp, even if it only worked temporarily. This highlights how adaptable our environments can be.”

Liang He, an assistant professor at Purdue University and a former doctoral student at the Allen School involved in this project, is a co-author of the presented research. The study was supported by the National Science Foundation.