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HomeHealthAgingUnlocking the Fountain of Youth: The Power of Ageless RNA

Unlocking the Fountain of Youth: The Power of Ageless RNA

Some RNA molecules in brain nerve cells can last a lifetime without needing to be replaced. Researchers from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) have proven this to be true. Usually, RNAs are short-lived molecules that are constantly being rebuilt to adapt to the environment. The research team aims to understand the complex aging process of the brain and gain a better knowledge of degenerative diseases associated with it.The research group, along with scientists from Germany, Austria, and the USA, has discovered that RNAs, which are short-lived molecules, are constantly being reconstructed to adapt to environmental conditions. They have published their findings in the journal Science and aim to unravel the complex aging process of the brain and gain a better understanding of degenerative diseases. Most cells in the human body are regularly renewed to maintain vitality, but the heart, pancreas, and brain are exceptions as their cells do not renew throughout the lifespan.According to Prof. Dr. Tomohisa Toda, a leading expert in Neural Epigenomics, aging neurons are a significant risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Understanding the aging process and the essential components involved in maintaining cell function is crucial for developing effective treatment concepts. In collaboration with neuroscientists from Dresden, La Jolla (USA), and Klosterneuburg (Austria), Prof. Toda’s research group has identified a key component of brain aging.The researchers have shown for the first time that certain types of ribonucleic acid (RNA) that protect genetic material exist for as long as the neurons themselves. “This is surprising because, unlike DNA, which typically does not change, most RNA molecules are very short-lived and constantly being exchanged,” Toda explains.

To determine the lifespan of the RNA molecules, the Toda group collaborated with the team of Prof. Dr. Martin Hetzer, a cell biologist at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA). “We successfully labeled the RNAs with fluorescent molecules and tracked their lifespan iTomohisa Toda, an expert in epigenetics and neurobiology, was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for his research in 2023, which involves studying long-lived RNAs in mice brain cells. The research has identified long-lived RNAs in two-year-old animals, not only in their neurons but also in somatic adult neural stem cells in the brain. These long-lived RNAs, referred to as LL-RNA, were found to be located in the cells’ nuclei, closely associated with chromatin, indicating their role in regulating chromosomes.omatin. The team conducted an in-vitro experiment with adult neural stem cell models to test their hypothesis, and found that reducing the concentration of LL-RNA resulted in significant impairment of chromatin integrity.

Tomohisa Toda stated, “We believe that LL-RNAs play a crucial role in regulating genome stability over the long term, which in turn contributes to the life-long preservation of nerve cells. Future research projects should focus on gaining a deeper understanding of the biophysical mechanisms involved in the long-term preservation of LL-RNAs. We aim to uncover more about their biological function in regulating chromatin and the potential effects.