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Untangling DNA: Understanding Supercoiled DNA and Gyrase’s Role

Researchers have⁢ uncovered the process by which DNA gyrase untangles DNA, offering new insights into this ​crucial biological mechanism with potential practical⁢ applications. Gyrases ⁤are important targets for treating bacterial infections, and similar human enzymes are targets for anti-cancer drugs. Understanding how gyrases function at the molecular level could lead to advancements in clinical treatments. ​ ⁣ ‌ ⁣ ⁣

Imagine ‍a classic ‌”landline” telephone with a coiled cord ⁤connecting the handset⁣ to the phone.‌ The coiled telephone cord and ​the DN rnrnA⁤ common feature of‌ the double helix, which holds the ⁤genetic material in every cell, is that it‌ supercoils⁤ and⁢ tangles about itself in‌ ways that ⁣can ⁤be hard to⁢ unravel.⁣ If this overwinding​ is not managed,‌ essential processes like DNA copying and cell division can be disrupted. Fortunately, cells⁢ have a clever solution to control DNA supercoiling.

In a⁢ study published in the⁤ journal Science, researchers from Baylor College of Medicine,‌ Université de Strasbourg, Université Paris Cité,⁣ and other collaborating institutions ‌explain ​how DNA ⁤gyrase handles the supercoiling of DNA.DNA entanglements are​ a crucial biological mechanism that⁤ has potential applications in treating bacterial ⁢infections and anti-cancer drugs. ‌Understanding how ‍gyrases work at the‌ molecular level can ​improve clinical treatments for these conditions. DNA supercoiling‌ is necessary for the cell to read and make copies of genetic information, but an imbalance of ⁤supercoiling can be harmful. For instance, too little or ​too much supercoiling can have detrimental ⁣effects.

DNA gyrase is responsible for untangling overwound DNA, but the specifics⁤ of this process have long​ been unclear.

DNA minicircles and advanced imaging techniques provide insight into the first step‍ of untangling DNA.

“Although we often think of DNA as a straight double helix, it actually⁤ exists ‍as ⁢supercoiled loops inside cells. Studying the ⁣interactions between these supercoils and the enzymes involved in DNA functions has been difficult, so researchers usually use linear DNA⁢ models.Dr. Lynn Zechiedrich, a ⁣study author and professor at Baylor⁤ College of Medicine, stated that⁣ their laboratory has been aiming to study interactions using a DNA structure that closely⁢ resembles the coiled and ⁤looped form‍ of ⁢DNA found in living cells. After⁣ extensive research, the‌ Zechiedrich lab successfully developed⁤ small loops of supercoiled‍ DNA ‍by twisting the ⁢traditional linear DNA double helix.The researchers previously⁢ studied the ​3-D ​structures‍ of supercoiled minicircles and⁤ found that they⁤ form a variety of ‌shapes. They believed that enzymes like ‍gyrase would recognize these shapes.⁢ In their recent ‍study, the researchers ⁣used electron cryomicroscopy and other advanced imaging techniques to confirm their ​hypothesis​ about the interactions ⁤of DNA gyrase with DNA minicircles.s.

Dr. Valérie Lamour,⁤ an associate professor at the Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Université de Strasbourg, stated that her lab‌ has been focusing on the​ study⁢ of DNA‍ gyrases, which are ‍large enzymes responsible for regulating DNA supercoiling. She explained that supercoiling is important for confining about 2 meters (6.6 feet)⁢ of linear DNA ‌into the small nucleus of the cell.

Inside the nucleus, the DNA supercoils, twisting and‍ folding into various shapes. It’s like trying to fit a long piece ⁣of​ string into a small box.Twisting the ⁤telephone cord multiple times ​on itself mentioned at the beginning‌ will cause it to overwind and create a ​loop‌ by crossing over DNA chains, tightening the ​structure.‍

“We‍ found, as we had ⁣predicted,⁤ that gyrase is drawn to the supercoiled minicircle and positions itself inside ‌this supercoiled loop,” said‍ Dr.⁢ Jonathan Fogg, ‍a co-author and senior ⁢staff scientist of molecular virology and microbiology, and biochemistry and molecular pharmacology in the Zechiedrich lab.

“This is the initial step of the mechanism ​that ​triggers the enzyme to resolve DNA entanglements,” Lamour ​explained.

“DNA gyrase, ‌now surrounded by the supercoiled loop, is prompted to initiate‌ the ‌process of untangling DNA,” clarified ⁤Dr. a tightly supercoiled loop, one DNA helix will be cut ‌in the loop, the other DNA ⁣helix will‌ be passed through the cut, and then the ⁣break will be resealed. This process relaxes the‍ overwinding⁢ and eases tangles, which regulates DNA supercoiling and controls ⁣DNA activity,” Zechiedrich explained. “It’s ‍like watching a rodeo. Just like roping cattle with a lasso, supercoiled looped⁤ DNA captures gyrase in the first step. Gyrase​ then cuts one double-helix of the DNA⁢ lasso and passes the other helix through the break to get free.”

Dr. ‌Marc Nadal, a professor at the École Normale in Paris and co-corresponding author, confirmed the observation of the⁣ path of the DNA wrapped​ in ⁣the loop.The loop ‍around​ gyrase is​ observed using ​magnetic​ tweezers, a technique that measures the deformation and fluctuations ‍in the length of a single DNA molecule. This ⁢allows for information that is typically hidden⁤ when⁣ looking at multiple molecules in traditional experiments. Interestingly, the “DNA strand inversion model” for ⁢gyrase activity was proposed in 1979 by Drs. Patrick O. Brown and the late Nicholas R. Cozzarelli, also in a Science paper, before researchers had access ⁣to​ supercoiled minicircles or the 3-D molecular structure‌ of the⁤ enzyme.”It is especially significant to me that ⁣45 years later, we are finally able to provide‍ experimental evidence that supports their hypothesis because ⁢Nick was my ⁢postdoctoral ⁣mentor,” Zechiedrich said.

“This research opens up ⁢numerous possibilities ​for‌ studying the ‍mechanism ‌of this conserved class of⁢ enzymes, which⁤ have significant clinical importance,” Lamour said.

“This study promotes new concepts about how DNA activities are​ controlled. We suggest​ that DNA‍ is ​not just a passive biomolecule influenced by ⁤enzymes, but an active one that utilizes supercoiling, looping, and 3-D shapes to control the‌ accessibility of enzymes like gyrase to specific DNA sequences in⁣ a ‍variety‌ of circumstances.Fogg stated that this ​discovery is likely‌ to have an impact on how cells respond⁢ to antibiotics and other‍ treatments.

Journal Reference:

  1. Marlène Vayssières, Nils ⁢Marechal, Long Yun, Brian Lopez‌ Duran, ‌Naveen Kumar ⁣Murugasamy, Jonathan M. ⁤Fogg, Lynn Zechiedrich, Marc Nadal, Valérie Lamour. Structural basis of ‌DNA crossover capture by Escherichia coli DNA gyrase. Science, 2024; 384 (6692):⁤ 227 DOI: 10.1126/science.adl5899 ​ < rnThis software can take an HTML-formatted article and ‌rewrite it to make it easier to understand while keeping the ⁣HTML unchanged.
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