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HomeHealthGutUnveiling the Impact of Opioid Receptors on Gut Development: A Surprising Discovery...

Unveiling the Impact of Opioid Receptors on Gut Development: A Surprising Discovery by Researchers

Researchers from Rice University have uncovered a new role of opioid receptors in the development of the enteric nervous system (ENS), also known as the ‘brain in the gut.’ This finding challenges the traditional understanding of opioid receptors and provides new insight into their importance beyond pain management and addiction.

Highlighting their importance beyond just managing pain and addiction.

Rosa Uribe, an assistant professor of biosciences at Rice and a Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) Scholar, led a research team that identified the crucial genes for ENS development. This was done through a series of experiments using zebrafish embryos, which have many genetic similarities with humans. The ENS, a network of neurons in the gastrointestinal tract, is vital in regulating digestive processes.

The team’s findings were published in the PLOS ONE journal on May 29th.


The ioid signaling pathway is necessary for the development of nerves in the gut, which is part of the enteric nervous system that has not been studied much, according to Uribe. The researchers used gene-editing techniques to selectively remove a single gene from a group of zebrafish embryos in order to study how these genetic changes affected the formation of gut nerves. This process led to the discovery of new genes, including those that encode opioid receptors, which play a role in ENS development. The researchers also found that opioid receptors are not only involved in pain perception and addiction, as previously thought.n but are also vital to the formation of gut nerves during development.

“When these receptors were turned off, it caused disruption in the migration and maturation of enteric neurons along the gut,” Uribe explained. This disruption emphasizes the essential role of opioid signaling pathways in the development of the enteric nervous system (ENS).

The team’s discovery creates new opportunities for comprehending digestive health and disease. Many newborns with absent gut nerves struggle to pass stool, underscoring the potential impact of this research on pediatric medicine. Understanding the involvement of opioids in gut development could lead to new avenues for treating gastrointestinal issues.The research has discovered a new function of opioid receptors and their role in the development of the gut. This could have significant implications for understanding digestive disorders and may lead to new treatment methods. Additionally, the study has also found other genes, such as VGF, that have implications for gastrointestinal health. Further research in this area could reveal more insights into the complicated relationship between genes, the nervous system, and digestive function. Lead researcher Rodrigo Mor, who is also a postdoctoral fellow, emphasized the potential for uncovering new treatments for congenital digestive disorders.Moreno Campos is amazed by the findings, which he believes will lead to new avenues of research in enteric neurodevelopmental biology. He also sees great implications for congenital, neurological, and metabolic diseases.