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HomeHealthBreakthrough in Implantable Device Technology: Engineers Use Hydrogel Adhesive to Prevent Scar...

Breakthrough in Implantable Device Technology: Engineers Use Hydrogel Adhesive to Prevent Scar Tissue Buildup and Immune Rejection

Engineers have discovered a method⁣ to stop the development of scar tissue around⁢ implantable devices.⁢ By applying a hydrogel adhesive ⁢coating to the devices,⁣ the⁤ material connects the device to the tissue and prevents‍ the immune system from rejecting it. When medical devices such as pacemakers are inserted into​ the ⁣body, they typically​ trigger an​ immune ⁣response that results in the formation of scar tissue around the implant. This scarring, also known as fibrosis, can disrupt the operation of ⁣the devices and ⁤may⁣ necessitate​ their ⁢removal. This breakthrough from MIT⁣ engineers could potentially‌ prevent such⁤ device malfunctions.Researchers have discovered a straightforward method ⁢to prevent fibrosis by​ using a hydrogel adhesive ⁤to coat devices. This adhesive​ allows the devices to bond with ​tissue ⁣and protects them from the body’s immune​ response.

“Many research groups and⁣ companies have longed to implant something in the body that remains undetected by the body ⁣over time, and which can deliver therapeutic or⁢ diagnostic benefits. Now we have such an‍ ‘invisibility cloak,’ and it is very‌ versatile: No medication or special polymer is required,” explains Xuanhe Zhao, an MIT professor of mechanical engineering and civil and environmental engineering.

TheThe adhesive used‌ in the study is‌ made from‍ hydrogels, which ⁤are cross-linked polymers. It is similar⁤ to a ⁢surgical tape developed⁤ by the researchers to seal internal wounds. The researchers discovered that other types ‌of hydrogel adhesives can also protect against​ fibrosis. They believe that this approach can ⁣be​ used for pacemakers, sensors, or ⁢drug and therapeutic cell delivery⁣ devices. Senior authors of the study include Zhao and Hyunwoo Yuk SM ’16, PhD ’21, who ‍is now the chief⁣ technology officer at SanaHeal. The study will be published⁢ in Nature. Jingjing ⁢Wu, ⁢a postdoc at MIT, also contributed ⁤to the study.Zhao is the ‍primary author of the article.

“Preventing fibrosis”
Zhao’s laboratory has created ⁣adhesives ⁣for⁢ various medical purposes in recent times, such as double-sided and⁤ single-sided tapes that have ‌the potential to heal surgical incisions or internal injuries. These adhesives function by quickly absorbing moisture‍ from wet⁤ tissues,⁣ utilizing polyacrylic acid, a​ material known ⁤for its absorbent⁤ properties in diapers. Once the moisture is absorbed, chemical groups⁤ known as ​NHS esters‌ that are part of the polyacrylic ⁤acid create strong ‍bonds ⁢with proteins on the surface of the tissue. This entire process happens within approximately ⁤five ⁣seconds.Several years ‌ago, Zhao ​and⁣ Yuk started to ⁣investigate if this type of adhesive could⁢ also be used to secure medical implants and prevent fibrosis. ‌Wu conducted experiments by applying the adhesive to polyurethane devices​ and implanting them ⁤in various parts of rats’ bodies. After removing the devices weeks later, they observed no visible scar tissue. Further ‌tests on other animals showed ‌the same result: fibrosis did not occur for up to‍ three months in areas where the adhesive-coated devices were implanted. This ⁣research has discovered a broad approach for preventing fibrosis.According to Wu,⁣ regardless of the animal model, organ, or application, consistent ⁣and reproducible‍ results ‌were obtained without ​any ​visible fibrotic capsule. The researchers used bulk RNA sequencing and fluorescent imaging to analyze⁢ the ​animals’ immune response and discovered that ⁣when devices with adhesive coatings were initially implanted, immune cells such as neutrophils infiltrated the ‌area. However, the attacks were⁣ quickly extinguished before any⁢ scar tissue​ could​ develop. Yuk added that ‌adhered devices elicited⁤ an acute inflammatory response⁣ due ⁢to being a foreign material, ⁢but this response quickly subsided.The inflammation response decreased, preventing the formation of fibrosis.‌ The⁣ adhesive can⁣ potentially be‌ used for coating epicardial ⁣pacemakers, which are⁣ devices placed on‍ the ⁣heart to regulate the⁤ heart rate. The MIT team discovered that when they implanted ‌adhesive-coated wires in rats, the wires ‍remained functional for at least three months without forming scar tissue, preventing fibrosis. The researchers also experimented with a hydrogel adhesive ⁣containing ⁤chitosan,⁢ a naturally occurring polymer.The researchers ⁢conducted experiments with a type of adhesive ⁢called ‌polysaccharide, and discovered that it not ‍only stuck to ​tissue, ​but also prevented fibrosis in animals. However, when they tested two tissue adhesives that are⁤ commercially available, they did not have the‍ same⁢ antifibrotic effect. This was because these‍ adhesives eventually detached from the tissue, allowing the ‌immune system to attack.

In another experiment, the ⁣researchers ⁣coated implants with hydrogel⁢ adhesives,‍ and⁢ then soaked ​them in a solution that removed the adhesive properties of​ the ⁤polymers, while ‌keeping their chemical⁣ structure intact. When implanted‍ in the body​ and held in place ⁤by sutures, fibrotic ⁣scarring occurred.The researchers suggest that the way the adhesive interacts⁢ with the ‍tissue ⁢may prevent the immune system from attacking it. According to Zhao, previous research has mainly focused on chemistry and biochemistry in immunology,‌ but the role of mechanics and physics should not be overlooked.‌ He plans to investigate further how ⁤these⁤ mechanical cues affect ⁣the immune system. Zhao, Yuk, and others have ⁣founded a company called SanaHeal, which is‌ focused on advancing⁣ tissue​ adhesives for medical use.The team ⁤is eager to share⁤ their findings⁣ with the community and inspire speculation and curiosity about the potential applications‌ of their research. There are numerous scenarios in which⁣ people may want to interact with foreign​ or man-made materials in the body, ‍such as implantable devices, drug depots, or cell depots. The ⁣research received funding from the National Institutes​ of Health and the⁢ National Science Foundation.