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HomeHealthBodyCutting-Edge MRI Error Detection: Introducing the New Sensor Technology

Cutting-Edge MRI Error Detection: Introducing the New Sensor Technology

The world’s first prototype sensor at Hvidovre Hospital can detect errors in MRI scans using laser light and gas. The new sensor, developed by a young researcher at the University of Copenhagen and Hvidovre Hospital, can do what current electrical sensors cannot. This innovation could lead to MRI scans that are more effective, affordable, and efficient.

MRI scanners are commonly used by doctors and healthcare professionals to obtain detailed images of the human body. They are particularly useful for studying the brain, vital organs, and soft tissues, as they provide high-quality 3D images that surpass those produced by other types of medical imaging.

While this makes MRI scanners incredibly valuable and essential for healthcare professionals, there is still room for improvement.

The powerful magnetic fields inside MRI scanners can cause fluctuations that lead to errors and disturbances in the scans. As a result, these expensive machines (costing hundreds of thousands of dollars) can be prone to inaccuracies and malfunctions, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment.

Regular calibration of MRIs is essential to minimize errors in the imaging process. Additionally, there are advanced scanning techniques, such as spiral sequences, that have the potential to reduce scan times and provide valuable insights in diagnosing various conditions. However, these methods are not yet feasible due to the instability of the magnetic field. Researchers are exploring solutions using sensor technology to address this issue.

The article discusses the use of a sensor to detect changes in the magnetic field. Currently, it is challenging to correct errors in images due to interference from electric sensors connected to metal cables. However, a new invention aims to solve this problem. A researcher from the Niels Bohr Institute and The Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR) has developed a sensor that utilizes laser light in fiber cables and a small glass container filled with gas to address this issue. The prototype is designed to read and map changes in the magnetic field.

“After demonstrating the theoretical possibility, we have now confirmed its practical feasibility. We have developed a prototype that can perform the required measurements without causing any disruption to the MRI scanner. Although it requires further development and fine-tuning, it has the potential to enhance the cost, quality, and speed of MRI scans, although not necessarily all simultaneously,” says Hans Stærkind, a postdoc at the Niels Bohr Institute and DRCMR at Hvidovre Hospital, who is the main creator of the sensor and its accompanying device.

“An MRI scanner can aThe researcher suggests that by using their sensor, it would be possible to improve the quality of MRI images without needing to spend more time, or to spend less time while maintaining the current quality. Another option would be to create a more affordable scanner that, despite some errors, could still provide decent image quality with the help of the sensor. The prototype works by using powerful magnets to create a magnetic field that aligns protons in the body’s water, carbohydrates, and proteins.When a patient is exposed to pulsing waves, their protons become stimulated and temporarily move out of their original state of equilibrium. As they return to alignment with the magnetic field, they release radio waves that can create real-time 3D images of the scanned area.

Hans Stærkind’s prototype operates by using a laser light device that resembles a 1990’s stereo system for sending and receiving light. The laser light is transmitted through fiber optic cables, without the use of any metal, and into four sensors within the scanner.

Within the sensors, the light travels through a small glass container containing caesium gas, which absorbs the light.

The light bends at the correct frequencies.

“When the laser has the precise frequency as it goes through the gas, there is a resonance between the light waves and electrons in the caesium atoms. However, the frequency at which this occurs changes when the gas is subjected to a magnetic field. This allows us to determine the strength of the magnetic field by identifying the correct frequency. The device automatically and rapidly performs this process,” the researcher explains.

Disturbances in an MRI scanner’s extremely powerful magnetic field occur.Hans Stærkind’s prototype maps the location and strength of changes in the magnetic field. In the future, this could potentially lead to the correction of distorted and faulty images using data collected by the sensors, making them accurate and usable. The prototype is currently located at DRCMR at Hvidovre Hospital in Copenhagen, where the idea was originally conceived by Hans Stærkind’s supervisor, Esben Petersen, who has since passed away.A sensor based on lasers and gas was envisioned by Hans Stærkind to measure magnetic fields without disrupting them,” explains Stærkind. With the collaboration of quantum physicists at the Niels Bohr Institute, led by Professor Eugene Polzik, Stærkind transformed the concept into a tangible theory. He has now successfully transformed that theory into a working prototype.

“The prototype is designed to be suitable for use in hospitals as a sturdy and reliable instrument. Our initial tests have demonstrated that it functions as intended. It is conceivable that this innovation will eventually become widely used.The new MRI scanners will be equipped with the prototype sensor,” says Stærkind. The goal is to improve the accuracy of the measurements. “We need to gather data and refine the sensor to make it a more effective tool for identifying errors in scans. Once that is done, we can focus on correcting errors in MRI images and determine the situations and scan types where our sensor can make a significant impact,” said the researcher. Stærkind also mentioned that the primary users for the sensor will be MRI research units, with potential for wider use in the future.Manufacturers are learning about the new technology, in the longer term. “Once the prototype has been improved in a 2.0 version and its qualities documented with plenty of data from actual scans here at the hospital, we will see where this goes. It certainly has the potential to improve MRI scans in a unique way that can benefit doctors and, not least, patients,” says the researcher.

Facts about MRI scanners: Despite being around since 1977, MRI scanners remain one of the most advanced medical technologies. In fact, everything from quantum mechanics, superconducting magnets and advanced mathem.The devices require a strong background in mathematics and computer science to operate.

They are made up of a large magnet with an incredibly powerful magnetic force, so it needs to be cooled to -269° C to avoid overheating. This is achieved using liquid helium, which makes the main magnet superconductive.

What this means is that the electricity powering the magnet has no resistance and flows continuously in a closed circuit without the need for additional electricity. The high electricity bills associated with operating MRI machines are mainly due to the cooling process.

Inside an MRI scanner, there are several other electromagnets that  can be utilized to manipulate the magnetic field in order to examine specific areas of the body from various perspectives.

The extremely strong magnetic fields mean that any metal objects such as belt buckles or coins must be securely kept away from the machine in a separate room. Accidents involving MRI scanners have occurred due to their intense magnetism, such as wheelchairs being pulled towards the scanner regardless of what or who is in the way. However, as long as all safety measures are followed, there are no known risks from undergoing an MRI scan itself.

MRI machines use a strong magnetic field to align protons in the body’s water molecules, which are themselves magnets, with the magnetic field. Radio waves are then used to temporarily disrupt the alignment of the protons, and when they realign, they release energy in the form of measurable radio waves. Using a computer, MRI can create highly detailed 3D images of a patient’s soft tissue from any angle. The MRI scanner has four sensors, one of which remains out of range of the magnetic field.The sensor is placed in the MRI scanner’s magnetic field to serve as a reference point. This is done to measure any fluctuations in the magnetic field and act as a control. The laser light passes through a small glass container with cesium gas and creates resonance in the electrons of the cesium atoms. This results in a dimming of the light which can be detected. When the gas is exposed to a magnetic field, the triggering frequency changes based on the strength of the magnetic field. Fluctuations in the magnetic field of the MRI scanner can be registered, and subsequent data can reveal errors in the MRI scan. In the Adventures of Tintin, ope.The celebrated opera singer Bianca Castafiore demonstrates her vocal power by shattering a crystal glass with her voice at the glass’s resonant frequency. Everything has its own preferred frequency for vibrating or oscillating.

If you’ve ever pushed a swing back and forth to set it in motion as a child or adult, you’ve used resonance frequency to do so. When something resonates, its oscillations are amplified.

When light is directed into a gas, it usually passes through unaffected – unless it happens to have the exact right frequency. At a specific frequency, light is absorbed because it oscillates at the same frequency as the electrons in the gas atoms.

The electrons in the gasThe electrons in the gas vapor oscillate and absorb energy, causing the light to be re-emitted in all directions when they return to their original positions.

When the natural frequency of a system is reached, it begins to oscillate, causing the ray to dim and the gas vapor to light up. This frequency is known as resonance frequency.