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HomeDiseaseCognitiveExploring Mental Health in Space Science: Shining a Light on the Community

Exploring Mental Health in Space Science: Shining a Light on the Community

The new study found that the severity of anxiety and depressive symptoms is higher in the planetary science community compared to the general U.S. population. The study was led by a scientist from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa and was published in Nature Astronomy. The researcher expressed concern about the prevalence of anxiety and depression in academia, especially within the field of planetary science, and felt compelled to take action.”Many people are suffering, so we need to do something,” explained David Trang, an assistant researcher at the Hawai’i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology in the UH Manoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, as well as a graduate student in the master’s in counseling psychology program at UH Hilo.

Due to the increasing awareness of a mental health crisis in the academic and research communities, Trang and his co-authors conducted a survey of over 300 members of the planetary science community. The survey involved researchers from Hawai’i Pacific University, UH Manoa Shidler College of Business, Jet Propulsion Lab, NASA, and the U.S. Geological Survey.The survey included questions about demographic information and used standard assessments to gauge the level of anxiety, depression, and stress symptoms.

The results revealed that anxiety and depression are significant concerns in the field of planetary science, particularly among graduate students and early career researchers. The study also found that individuals from marginalized groups, including women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community, are more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, or stress. Additionally, LGBTQ+ respondents showed a higher likelihood of considering leaving the field of planetary science when compared to other marginalized groups.

Some of my fellow scientists have left the field due to the challenging academic environment,” Trang said. “It’s a shame because the field of science could greatly benefit from the contributions of passionate researchers.”

The authors aim to bring attention to the mental health issues in planetary sciences. “This work is the first step towards improving mental well-being in planetary science,” Trang said. “I hope to further investigate the underlying causes of these issues and work towards finding solutions.”Developing solutions to enhance well-being will also improve research quality and productivity. By addressing mental health, there is a connection to improving diversity, equity, and inclusion. In the future, Trang aims to conduct psychoeducation workshops that are based on psychotherapy concepts. The goal is to start improving mental health in planetary science and potentially establish a model for improving mental health in academia as a whole.