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HomeHealthRevolutionizing the Atomic World: The Power of Quantum Sensors

Revolutionizing the Atomic World: The Power of Quantum Sensors

In a remarkable scientific advancement, a global team of researchers has created a quantum sensor that can detect incredibly small magnetic fields at the atomic scale. This groundbreaking achievement fulfills a long-held aspiration of scientists for an MRI-like instrument specifically tailored for quantum materials.

In a remarkable scientific advancement, a global team of researchers from Germany’s Forschungszentrum Jülich and Korea’s IBS Center for Quantum Nanoscience (QNS) has developed a quantum sensor that can detect incredibly small magnetic fields at the atomic scale. This groundbreaking achievement fulfills a long-held aspiration of scientists for an MRI-like instrument specifically tailored for quantum materials.

The research team drew on the expertise in bottom-up single-molecule fabrication from the Jülich group, conducting their experiments at QNS with the advanced tools and methodologies developed by the Korean team, leading to the creation of the world’s first quantum sensor designed for atomic applications.

Just to give you perspective, an atom’s diameter is a million times smaller than the width of the thickest human hair, making it extremely difficult to visualize and accurately measure physical properties like electric and magnetic fields emitted by atoms. To detect such feeble fields emanating from a single atom, the sensing tool must be extraordinarily sensitive and diminutive—comparable in size to the atoms themselves.

A quantum sensor leverages the principles of quantum mechanics, such as the spin of electrons or the entanglement of quantum states, to achieve precise measurements. Over recent years, various types of quantum sensors have been created. Although many of these sensors can detect electric and magnetic fields, it was previously believed that achieving atomic-scale spatial resolution would not be possible simultaneously.

An Innovative Approach to Enhanced Resolution

The key to the success of this new atomic-scale quantum sensor is its use of a single molecule. This represents a fundamentally different method of sensing compared to most other sensors, which typically rely on defects—imperfections within crystal structures. These defects only exhibit their properties when deeply integrated into the material, which means they remain at a considerable distance from the object they are meant to sense, limiting their ability to detect features at the atomic level.

The team opted for a novel design, creating a sensor that employs a single molecule to detect the electric and magnetic characteristics of atoms. This molecule is attached to the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope, allowing it to be positioned within just a few atomic distances of the target.

Dr. Taner Esat, the lead author from the Jülich team, shared his enthusiasm about the potential applications of this technology, stating, “This quantum sensor is a paradigm shift because it provides detailed imaging of materials akin to an MRI while simultaneously establishing a new benchmark for spatial resolution in quantum sensors. It will enable us to explore and comprehend materials at their most fundamental level.” Their longstanding collaboration was essential, given Dr. Esat’s prior experience as a postdoc at QNS before returning to Jülich to develop this sensing molecule, after which he returned to QNS to validate this technique with their high-end instruments.

The sensor boasts an energy resolution that can detect variations in magnetic and electric fields with a spatial precision down to a tenth of an angstrom, with 1 Ångström typically equating to the diameter of a single atom. Additionally, the quantum sensor can be built and implemented in laboratories across the globe.

“What makes this accomplishment exceptional is that we utilize a carefully engineered quantum object to unveil fundamental atomic properties from the ground up. Previous techniques employed large, cumbersome probes to try to analyze minuscule atomic features,” emphasized Dr. Dimitry Borodin, lead author from QNS. “You must be small to observe small.”

This revolutionary quantum sensor is set to pave the way for significant advances in the engineering of quantum materials and devices, crafting new catalysts, and investigating the fundamental quantum behavior of molecular systems, particularly in biochemistry.

Groundbreaking Potential

As noted by Yujeong Bae, a principal investigator at QNS for the project, “The advancement of tools for observing and investigating matter arises from foundational scientific work. As Richard Feynman famously stated, ‘There’s plenty of room at the bottom,’ hinting at the limitless potential of technology to manipulate structures at the atomic level.” Additionally, Professor Temirov, a research group leader at Jülich, adds: “It’s thrilling to see that our extensive work on molecular manipulation has led to the creation of this record-setting quantum device.”

The findings of this research have been published in Nature Nanotechnology. The introduction of this atomic-scale quantum sensor marks a pivotal moment in the realm of quantum technology, with promising implications across various scientific fields.