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scientific sources suggest that the highest pitches reached in classical singing can only be produced with a so-called ‘whistle’ voice register, in analogy to ultrasonic vocalizations of mice and rats. An international research team has now rejected this assumption. In their study, the scientists showed that the high-frequency sounds of operatic sopranos are produced with the same principle than speech and most other forms of singing.scientific sources indicate that the highest pitches achieved in classical singing may require a “whistle” voice register, similar to the ultrasonic vocalizations of mice and rats. An international team of researchers, led by Christian T. Herbst of the University of Vienna and Matthias Echternach from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, has challenged this idea. Their study demonstrated that the high-frequency sounds produced by operatic sopranos are generated using the same principles as speech and most other forms of singing. The findings were recently published in the Scientific Reports journal.

A study was conducted with nine professional operatic sopranos who were asked to sing at their highest pitches in a laboratory setting. While they sang, scientists used ultra-highspeed video recordings and trans-nasal endoscopy to observe the singers’ vocal folds and throats. The analysis of the video footage revealed that the vocal folds in the throat vibrate and collide 1000 to 1600 times per second, depending on the pitch being sung. This aligns with the frequency of the produced sound. These findings disprove the previously suggested “whistle” mechanism, which would have required a different movement of the vocal folds.

mobile during voice production.

The research demonstrates that the same mechanism used for normal voice production in humans and most mammals also applies to the high pitch ranges of operatic singing. Computer simulations suggest that singers can only reach their highest frequencies by increasing tension in the vocal folds and using high expiratory air pressures, among other factors.

The senior author of the study, Christian T. Herbst, states: “This finally disproves a long-held belief in voice training. It’s remarkable that such extreme sounds can be produced using a common voice production mechanism — Exceptional muscular control of the vocal instrument is essential for achieving this. Lead author Matthias Echternach also noted that some female singers can produce high-pitched sounds without any vocal health issues, but the reasons for their success remain unknown for now.”