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HomeHealthEyeWireless Glaucoma Detection: The Future of Smart Contact Lenses

Wireless Glaucoma Detection: The Future of Smart Contact Lenses

doctors to diagnose glaucoma, it’s difficult to monitor continuously, especially with the varying temperatures eyes experience. However, researchers have developed a prototype ‘smart’ contact lens that can accurately measure eye pressure regardless of temperature. This innovation is crucial because early detection and treatment are essential in reducing vision loss caused by glaucoma.Doctors find it difficult to continuously monitor and diagnose glaucoma due to the various temperatures that eyes experience. However, researchers have developed a “smart” contact lens prototype that can accurately measure eye pressure, regardless of temperature. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that about three million people in the U.S. are affected by glaucoma, which is a group of diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve and result in vision loss. During eye exams, doctors use “air puff tests” to take one-time measurements of eye pressure, but this method can be uncomfortable for patients.In the realm of eye health, the subtle indication of fluid accumulation around the cornea, known as pressure, can be an indicator of a potential glaucoma diagnosis. Researchers have been exploring various methods to continuously and comfortably monitor these small pressure changes, including the use of contact lenses that can send signals to receptor glasses. However, fluctuations in temperature, such as moving into colder environments, can disrupt the accuracy of these lenses’ measurements. With this in mind, Dengbao Xiao and his colleagues set out to create a contact lens that can precisely measure and wirelessly transmit real-time signals about eye pressure across a wide range of temperatures.

Firstly, Xiao and his team devised a plan to address this issue.The researchers developed two small spiral circuits, each with a unique natural vibration pattern that would alter when stretched by small amounts, such as changes in eye pressure and size. These circuits were then placed between layers of polydimethylsiloxane, a common contact lens material, to create pressure-detecting contact lenses. By holding a coil connected to a computer near the lens, the embedded circuits’ vibration patterns could be wirelessly read. Tests simulating eye movement, exposure to moisture, and daily wear did not affect the transmitted signals.The researchers conducted laboratory tests in which they placed the new lenses on three pig eye specimens and controlled the ocular pressures and temperatures. The contact lenses were able to monitor and wirelessly transmit pressure data ranging from 50 to 122 degrees F. When pressures were calculated using only one circuit in the lens, the results deviated by up to 87% from the true values. However, when information from both circuits was used, the pressure readings differed by only 7% from the true value, as the combination removed temperature-related errors. The researchers believe that their dual-circuit “smart” lens design has potential.The study discusses a new type of contact lens that has the potential to accurately detect and monitor glaucoma, even in various temperatures. The authors of the study received funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China.