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HomeDiseaseCognitiveUnveiling the Complex Biological Mechanisms of Autism: Genetic Links to Brain Activity...

Unveiling the Complex Biological Mechanisms of Autism: Genetic Links to Brain Activity Revealed in Groundbreaking Study

UCLA Health that have been exploring the genetics ⁢of autism.​ The‍ research has⁤ revealed a connection between genetic risk and the observed cellular and genetic activity in various parts of the brain. This discovery provides a more comprehensive‍ understanding of ​the complex biological⁣ processes involved in⁣ autism.⁣ The study ⁣is a significant ‍step forward‍ in unraveling the underlying mechanisms of the disorder.The PsychENCODE consortium, organized by the National Institutes of‌ Health, was started in 2015 and is led by Dr. Daniel Geschwind from UCLA. Its goal is⁢ to generate maps of gene regulation in ⁤various ⁤areas of the brain and at⁤ different points in brain⁤ development. The consortium​ aims to connect research on the genetic risk⁤ factors for psychiatric ⁢disorders ​with ‌the potential underlying ‍molecular mechanisms.​ This collection of articles from ⁤PsychENCODE ​is ⁢a valuable resource for gaining insight into the connection between disease risk and genetic mechanisms.Geschwind stated that “Geschwind’s‍ research on⁤ autism, published‍ in the May 24⁢ issue of Science, is part of ‌a larger body of work by his team ⁣that has been profiling ‍genes associated with autism spectrum disorder and identifying common ​molecular⁢ changes in the brains‌ of ​people with autism.⁤ However, the underlying causes of these⁤ molecular changes ⁣and their connection to genetic susceptibility⁢ at ⁢the cellular and⁤ circuit‌ levels in this complex condition are still not ​well understood.”

He⁣ noted that previous gene profiling for autism spectrum ​disorder⁤ has been mostly limited⁤ to using bulk techniques, with​ a few exceptions in smaller⁣ studies.The issue with⁢ studying brain tissue from individuals ⁤with autism after they ⁣have‌ passed away is that it does not provide detailed information about⁤ the differences in brain layers, circuit levels, and specific‌ cell type pathways associated​ with autism, as ⁤well ‌as the mechanisms for gene regulation. To overcome ⁤this challenge, Geschwind utilized single-cell assays, ⁣a technique that allows⁢ researchers to ‍extract and identify genetic ⁣information⁤ from‌ the ⁣nuclei of individual cells. This approach enables researchers to⁤ navigate the‍ complex network of different cell types​ in the brain. Over 800,000⁣ nuclei‌ were isolated from post-mortem brain tissue.The study included a total of 66 participants ranging ⁣in age ‌from 2 to⁤ 60. This group consisted of 33 individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and 30 neurotypical individuals⁤ who served as the control group.⁢ Among those with ​autism, ⁣five had a ‍specific genetic form known as 15q duplication syndrome. The researchers made sure to match ‍each sample based on age, sex, and cause of death, in order to⁤ create a balanced comparison between the cases and controls.

As a result of their study, Geschwind and his team were ⁤able to pinpoint the major types of cortical cells​ that are‌ impacted in autism spectrum disorder.⁣ This included both neurons and their⁤ support cells, which are ‍referred to as glial cells. ​The research revealed that ‍the most significant changes ⁣were ⁢observed in the Neurons​ are responsible for connecting the two hemispheres of the brain and enabling long-range communication ⁣between different brain regions. Additionally, a​ group of⁣ interneurons known as somatostatin ​interneurons play a key role in the⁤ maturation ⁤and refinement ⁢of brain circuits.

This study focused on⁢ identifying specific transcription factor networks, which⁤ are the complex interactions that control​ when a​ gene‍ is activated or suppressed. Interestingly, these⁣ networks were found to be ​enriched in genes associated with autism spectrum disorder, and they had a significant impact on differential gene expression across ⁢various brain regions.Specialized ⁢cell subtypes have been identified for the first time, potentially linking changes in the brain in ASD ⁢directly to ‍the genetic causes. Understanding these complex molecular mechanisms‍ that underlie autism and other psychiatric disorders could lead to the development of new⁣ treatments. According to Geschwind, these findings offer a strong and detailed ​framework for comprehending the molecular changes‍ in the brains of​ individuals with ASD, including the specific cell types affected ⁣and their relationship to brain circuits. ‍The ⁤changes observed⁤ are believed to be downstream ⁤of known genetic causes of‍ autism.The study focuses on ASD and aims to uncover underlying mechanisms of the‌ disease.”