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HomeHealthUnveiling the Truth: Binge-Eating Disorder's Lasting Impact

Unveiling the Truth: Binge-Eating Disorder’s Lasting Impact

Results of a recent study suggest that symptoms of binge-eating disorder may last longer than previously thought, with 61 percent and 45 percent of individuals still experiencing the disorder 2.5 and 5 years after their initial diagnoses, respectively. Binge-eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the United States, and there have been conflicting views on the duration and likelihood of relapse. Researchers from McLean Hospital, a part of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system, conducted a comprehensive five-year study to better understand the long-term effects of the disorder.

A recent study found that people with binge-eating disorder experienced symptoms for 2.5 to 5 years after their initial diagnoses, which contradicts previous findings that suggested a faster remission time. “The big takeaway is that binge-eating disorder does improve with time, but for many people it lasts years,” said first author Kristin Javaras, DPhil, PhD, from McLean’s Division of Women’s Mental Health. Many clients report experiencing binge-eating disorder for a long time, which goes against previous research suggesting a shorter duration.A temporary disorder. It’s crucial to know how long binge-eating disorder lasts and the likelihood of relapse in order to improve care.”

The findings were released on May 28 in Psychological Medicine, published by Cambridge University Press.

Binge-eating disorder affects an estimated 1 to 3 percent of U.S. adults and is characterized by episodes where individuals feel a lack of control over their eating. The average age of onset is 25 years.

Prior retrospective studies, which depend on individuals’ sometimes unreliable memories, have indicated that biBinge-eating disorder typically lasts an average of seven to sixteen years, according to prospective studies. However, research tracking individuals with the disorder over time suggests that many enter remission within one to two years.

Previous prospective studies had limitations, such as small sample sizes (<50 participants) and a lack of representation of individuals with binge-eating disorder who have BMIs of 30 or more, which make up around two-thirds of the population. They also focused mainly on adolescent or young-adult females with BMIs less than 30.To understand the time course of binge-eating disorder, the researchers tracked 137 adult community members with the disorder for five years. The participants, with ages ranging from 19 to 74 and an average BMI of 36, were evaluated for binge-eating disorder at the start of the study and again at 2.5 and 5 years later.

At the end of the five years, most of the participants still had episodes of binge-eating, although many showed improvement. At the 2.5 year mark, 61 percent of the participants still met the full criteria for binge-eating disorder, and an additional 23 percent experienced symptoms that were clinically significant but did not meet the threshold for binge-eating disorder. After 5 years, 46% of the participants met the full criteria for the disorder, and an additional 33% had symptoms that were clinically significant but did not meet the full criteria. It is important to note that 35% of individuals who were in remission at the 2.5-year follow-up had relapsed to either full or sub-threshold binge-eating disorder at the 5-year follow-up. It should be mentioned that the criteria for diagnosing binge-eating disorder have changed since the study was conducted, and Javaras points out that under the new guidelines, an even larger percentage of the study’s participants would have been classified accordingly.The disorder was diagnosed at the 2.5 and 5-year follow-ups. Javaras noted that the study participants were from the community and may or may not have been receiving treatment, so the results reflect the natural progression of binge-eating disorder. In comparison to treatment studies, those in treatment showed faster remission, indicating that intervention can benefit people with binge-eating disorders. Javaras also pointed out the significant disparities in treatment for eating disorders.There was variability among participants in the chances of recovery and the time it took, but the researchers did not find any strong clinical or demographic indicators for the duration of the disorder.

“This indicates that no one is significantly more or less likely to improve than anyone else,” Javaras explained.

Since the study concluded, the researchers have been researching and creating treatment options for binge-eating disorder, as well as evaluating screening methods to more accurately identify individuals who would benefit from treatment.

“We are using neuroimaging to study binge-eating disorder in order to gain a better understanding of the neurologic. We’re exploring the biology of binge-eating disorder, which could lead to improved treatments,” Javaras explained. “We’re also looking into ways to identify people with the disorder earlier, as many are unaware they have it. There’s a great need for more awareness and screening to start interventions sooner.”